
Revues   / مجلات /  Journals

شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية




 Supplement  Vol.1,  N° 2, May (1990)



q        CONTENTS / SOMMAIRE  /  فهرس الموضوعات

§          Introduction

§          Anxiety and depression - an overlap / K. S. Chaleby

§          Anxious depression /  S. Abd Elazim

§          Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutics of Benzodiazepines / A. Okasha

§          Do all Benzodiazepines Have Similar Pharmacological  Profile and Therefore Prone to Produce Similar Adverse Effects /  B.E.Leonard

§          One year experience with alprazolam  / W. Sarhan

§          Panic disorder: alprazolam versus cognitive therapy / A. Y. Takriti


q       SUMMARY / RESUMES / ملخصات 

§         Introduction


§      Anxiety and depression - an overlap / K. S. Chaleby


§         Anxious depression /  S. Abd Elazim


§       Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutics of Benzodiazepines / A. Okasha


§       Do all Benzodiazepines Have Similar Pharmacological  Profile and Therefore Prone to Produce Similar Adverse Effects /  B.E.Leonard


§       One year experience with alprazolam  / W. Sarhan


§         Panic disorder: alprazolam versus cognitive therapy / A. Y. Takriti

ABSTRACT :  Thirty nine outpatients with panic disorder without agoraphobia were randomly assigned to individual treatment with either alprazolam (n=20) or cognitive therapy (CT) (n=19) for a period of twelve weeks. CT patients received an average of 17.6 sessions while alprazolam patients received an average of 2.4 mg. daily. Both treatment groups showed statistically significant decrease in panic symptoms as measured by panic symptom questionnaire (Derived from DSMIII-R) and self rating scale both of which contains 1-7 score. HAM-A and heart rate showed a significant decrease  in alprazolam and not in CT patients, denoting improvement in generalized anxiety as well as panic symptoms. The data suggests that both treatments are effective in the treatment of panic disorder.

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شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية


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