
Revues   / مجلات /  Journals

شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية




Vol. 7. No.2, November (1996)




q        CONTENTS / SOMMAIRE /  فهرس الموضوعات


§          Psychotherapy of Sexual Dysfunction in Arab Patients ./ Kutaiba Chaleby, J. Abdul AI- labbar and Mona AI- Sawaf

§          Nocturnal Enuresis and Psychopathology : Associations in a Community Sample / Harith Swadi

§          Involutary versus Voluntary Patients in a Drug Abuse Treatment Centre in Saudi Arabia. /  Ahmed Gad, Kutaiba Chaleby and Mousa Camal

§          Substance Abuse Consultation Rates: Experience from Private practice in Dubai. /  Yousreya Amin, Emad Hamdi and Rafia Ghubash

§          Thrihexyphenidyl Abuse : A Controlled Investigation   Between Users and Misusers. /  Nassem Qureshi, Aladin Alamri, Muzamil Abdelgadir and  Esarn El-Harka

§         Public View of the “ Evil Eye " and its Role in Psychiatry   A Stady in Saudi Society /  Mohammad A. Alsughayier


q       Review Articles:

§          Literature review on Obsessive convulsive Disorder in  Children and Adolescents. /  Aishia Rahmatolia, Amjad Jumaian and Amer Hosni

§          The Psychosocial Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the Family : Literature Review  /  Jamal AI-Smadi, M. Soudi, A. Hadidi, A. Obiedat and   Walid Shnaigat

§         Psychological Stressors for Parents of Visual- Impairment  Children :A Case Study for A Jordanian Clan   /  Adnan Omar Atoum          


q       SUMMARY / RESUMES / ملخصات 


§         Psychotherapy of Sexual Dysfunction in Arab Patients ./ Kutaiba Chaleby, J. Abdul AI- labbar and Mona AI- Sawaf

ABSTRACT : The material in this paper is based on the experience at a tertiary care general hospital and a major university medical school in Saudi Arabia. Most of our patients are from middle and upper middle social classes. Because of the taboo on sexuality in this culture, female complaints of sexual dysfunction are usually hidden but may be disclosed fortuitously during marital therapy. More frequently, the male unilaterally presents with a sexual dysfunction, since he feels it would be inappropriate for his wife to discuss sexual issues with a stranger. The treatment should be modified to help the patient achieve the maximum possible satisfaction in the sexual relationship. While respecting his desire and the culturally-imposed prohibition on having his wife in the office at the same time. Conservatism in sexual behaviour has always been a strong factor in minimizing the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and illegitimate births, and has supported the stability of family life. However, when the religious and cultural values are misinterpreted or not observed accurately, the resultant emotional conflict might be presented in the psychiatric clinic as sexual dysfunction. Commonly encountered types of sexual dysfunction in Arab culture are mainly (1) low sexual desire, (2) orgasmic dysfunction and (3) excitement stage disorders. We will discuss each of these, and attempt to identify the cultural factors that might modulate their presentation and treatment.

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§         Nocturnal Enuresis and Psychopathology : Associations in a Community Sample / Harith Swadi

ABSTRACT :  A community survey of a stratified sample of 6-12 year old primary school children was carried out in Al Ain city, UAE using the Parents' and Teachers' versions of the Rutter Questionnaire for children's psychological health. The results showed that 5,5% had nocturnal enuresis. Those with enuresis were compared to non-enuretics matched for age and gender. The results showed that enuretics showed higher rates of behavioural and emotional problems according to both teacher's and parents' reports. Older children showed higher rates of emotional problems than younger children. It is concluded that all children with enuresis should be screened for psychological problems as enuresis is unlikely to be a solitary problem.

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§         Involutary versus Voluntary Patients in a Drug Abuse Treatment Centre in Saudi Arabia. /  Ahmed Gad, Kutaiba Chaleby and Mousa Camal

ABSTRACT : This study reviews all patients admitted to Al Amal Hospital, Riyadh, for drug abuse during one Hegira year. The patients were divided into two groups: voluntary admissions, and involuntary admissions as committed by the police. The study was made along the demographic lines to identify the differences between the two groups. It was concluded that the main differential factors in the admission being voluntary or involuntary is related to the type of drug used, the circumstances of abuse, the possible medical consequences to the abusers  and  family pressures. The patients with the highest rate of voluntary admission were heroin addicts, the least were cannabis addicts. Approximately 60% of the total patients were voluntary admissions.

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§         Substance Abuse Consultation Rates: Experience from Private practice in Dubai. /  Yousreya Amin, Emad Hamdi and Rafia Ghubash

ABSTRACT :  In a polyethnic sample of 832 consecutive new outpatients attending a private psychiatric clinic in Dubai, drug and alcohol related problems were highly represented among nationals. Nationals constitute around 20% of the general population in Dubai and 47,7% of the whole patient population of the clinic but constitute 80,6% of all substance abuse cases. Substance abuse patients were mostly male, younger adults, less educated and more unemployed than other psychiatric outpatients. The study confirms earlier observations indicating higher substance abuse among nationals frequenting psychiatric services. Heroin-related problems are more common than alcohol-related problems in outpatients. A social causation hypothesis based on the stresses resulting from major socioeconomic changes during the latter three decades may explain these findings.

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§         Thrihexyphenidyl Abuse : A Controlled Investigation   Between Users and Misusers. /  Nassem Qureshi, Aladin Alamri, Muzamil Abdelgadir and  Esarn El-Harka

ABSTRACT : OBJECTIVE :  This controlled study aim to identify the socioclinical factors predisposing psychiatric patients to misuse trihexyphenidyl and to document the extrapyramidal features in both trihexyphenidyl (Artane) abusers and non-abusers.

     METHOD :  Thirty patients (n=30) with mainly two major functional psychoses and abusing trihexyphenidyl were compared with ninety Artane non-abusers patients (n=90) who were matched both for the diagnosis and treatment. Besides detailed clinical interview, each patient was assessed by using DSM-IIIR croteria, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Simpson and Angus Scale, and Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale. Results : Comparatively, trihexyphenidyl abusers were significantly characterized by being ever-married, unemployed, smoking and having past and concurrent history of multiple drug abuse, and genetic loading of mental disorders. Both groups of patients were prescribed antipsychotic drugs and trihexyphenidyl on long-term basis. Besides other socioclinical parameters, premorbid personalities, stressful life events and extrapyramidal symptoms including tardive did not differentiate the two groups. Artane abusers, when compared with non-abusers, were significantly less characterized by negative psychopathology. However, other psychopathological domains including depressive and positive symptoms did not differentiate between abusers and non-abusers.

    CONCLUSION : The patients having these socioclinical profiles tend to develop trihexyphenidyl abuse. Psychiatrists should not prescribe trihexyphenidyl indiscriminately and for a long time to such patients, who indeed require long-term antipsychotic maintenance medications.     

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§         Public View of the “ Evil Eye " and its Role in Psychiatry   A Stady in Saudi Society /  Mohammad A. Alsughayier

ABSTRACT : The "evil eye" concept is one of the traditional ill health attributions, particularly in the Islamic countries. This study aimed at gathering information about public knowledge and understanding of the evil eye. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a random of 500 Saudi individuals from the five areas of Riyadh City (KSA). Two hundred and eighty five individuals responded (57%), 160 females and 125 males. Responders seemed to have acquired their knowledge about the evil eye from multiple sources, including social encounters, prior personal experiences, books and tapes. Judgment of patients and faith healers, absence of clear physical causes and poor responses to medical treatment were the main reasons to attribute a certain illness to the evil eye. Most symptoms attributed to the evil eye were those of depression and anxiety. Significantly more males attributed injuries and sexual dysfunctions to the evil eye, whereas more females attributed dermatological and menstrual disturbances. The study emphasizes the importance of public education about the causes, manifestations and treatment of psychiatric disorder. Further studies in this field are necessary.

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q       Review Articles:

§         Literature review on Obsessive convulsive Disorder in  Children and Adolescents. /  Aishia Rahmatolia, Amjad Jumaian and Amer Hosni

ABSTRACT : It was thought that obsessive compulsive disorder in children is a rare disorder. But most of research conducted during the last 10 years, found that the prevalence rate is up to 3% and that  OCD in children and adults are the same also it was found that one third to one half of adult subjects experience the onset of OCD in childhood and adolescence. The aim of this review is mainly to focus on various information available in the literature about OCD in children and adolescents. The main focus will be on its epidemiology, phenomenology, aetiology and various treatment methods.

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§         The Psychosocial Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the Family : Literature Review  /  Jamal AI-Smadi, M. Soudi, A. Hadidi, A. Obiedat and   Walid Shnaigat

ABSTRACT :  Research concerning the long term adjustment to a traumatic spinal cord injury, has identified interpersonal support as an important factor, which is related to a favorable outcome. The benefits to the patients of a warm and supportive family background have been recognized, yet there is little data which examines the reaction of families to spinal cord injury. Two issues emerge. One concerns the factor of the response of the family, the other concerns the actions which can be taken on the part of the treatment team.

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§         Psychological Stressors for Parents of Visual- Impairment  Children :A Case Study for A Jordanian Clan   /  Adnan Omar Atoum          

ABSTRACT : The present study aimed at identifying the sources of stressors for (19) parents of the visually-impaired children and (20) parents of normal children in a local clan that has a high percentage of blinds. Results showed that the largest sources of stressors came from caring for the blind for a long periods of time and lack of personal reinforcement as a result of such caring.

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Revues   / مجلات /  Journals

شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية


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