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The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

Vol. 17, N° 2, July (1994)\EPA.htm




§          Hormones in Relation to Female Psychiatric Disorders / by Mahmoud Sami AbdelGawad

§          Towards a Better Dialogue between Psychiatric Clinical Practice and Neuroscience Research Information / by Y.E. Rakhawy

§          Psychiatric Aspects of Child Abuse in Egypt / by Samia AbdelRahman and E.R. Nashed

§          Screening for Psychosocial Problems among School Children in Ilorin, Nigeria. Using Parents Self Report / by O.B. Oladapo and O.L. Bolanle

§          Developmental Learning Disorders: Current Concepts and Management Strategies / by E. Breger

§          Psychopharmacological Issues in Young Mentally Retarded Subjects / by M. el Batrawi

§          Parental Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Children: An Egyptian Sample / by Tarandil El-Guindy, Sanaa Ahmed, Azza El-Bakry, T.M. Sami and Amani Abdou

§          Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Treated with Different Doses of Low Potency Neuroleptics / by M. Hassib El-Defrawi and A. Atef

§          Reliability and Validity of a Local Classification of Schizophrenia / by Y. Rakhawy, Sanaa ElSayed, M. Askar, A. El-Rashidi, M. El-Batrawi, A. El-Bakry, T. Abdel-Gawad, Z. Halim, Soad Moussa and O. ElHattab

§          Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement  Dysfunction in Chronic Schizophrenics and their First Degree Relatives / by M.R. Raslan and M. Shabana

§          Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): A Study of Psychological Symptoms in Relation to Various Disease Parameters / by S. AbdelAzim, S.A. ElBadawy, A. T.M. Khafagi and A.M. AbdelNasser

§          Tardive Dyskinesia and Adverse Perinatal Events / by M.H. El-Defrawi and A. Atef


q       Journal Abstracts

q       Thesis Review

q       Book Review

q       Contents of the Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry from December 1978 to January 1994




§         Hormones in Relation to Female Psychiatric Disorders / by Mahmoud Sami AbdelGawad


§    Towards a Better Dialogue between Psychiatric Clinical Practice and Neuroscience Research Information / by Y.E. Rakhawy


§         Psychiatric Aspects of Child Abuse in Egypt / by Samia AbdelRahman and E.R. Nashed

ABSTRACT:   Child abuse with its subsequent hazards vary from culture to culture. In an attempt to understand its dimensions in Egypt, we explored this issue in primary school children.  Two schools were selected, one of a very high social class and the other of very low social class. A questionnaire  was constructed and self-reported, the essential topics studied were : parental respect of child’s needs, degree of parental care or negligence, parental attitude towards child’s behavior, firm aggressive rules in the family, magnitude of family aggression, parental psychological disturbances and addiction, predisposing factors, abusing behavior and the possibility of the child to be a future abuser. The total number of children was 1202 ; 718 from low class schools and 485 from high class school. All forms of abuse were reported at higher rate of occurrence in low social class than in high social class. The figures for physical abuse were 32,22% & 12,681, for sexual abuse 3,42% & 0,62% and for psychological abuse 5,72% & 1,77% respectively for low and high classes. Searching for etiological components of this problem, we observed that firm aggressive rules in family and general aggressive behavior were over-represented in low than in high social class. Parents of high social class seem to respect their child’s needs more than in low class and the reverse with parental care. Also, low class families tend to resort to physical punishment more than verbal ; and the later was preferred by high social class. These  tendencies were explained as – the rules & low class family authority/obedience  rules, while in high class family, it is right/wrong orientation. Concerning precipitating factors ; cruelty was over – represented in both classes ; but more in low class families, followed by social economic home and work troubles in low class while parietal problems in high class family.

      In the light of our results, we discussed this problem as it exists in our Egyptian sample. Also, we discussed the possibility of intergenerational transmission and the future of these children as  potential abusers.

RESUME. L’aspect Psychiatrique de  L’Abus des Enfants en Egypte.

     L’auteur a exploré l’abus des enfants chez les élevés des écoles  primaires. On a construit un questionnaire pour étudier essentiellement : Le respect des parents aux demandes de leurs enfants, le degré de soin ou de négligence, l’attitude des parents contre le comportement des enfants, les règles rigides  et agressives dans la famille, le degré de l’agression de la famille, les troubles psychologicaux chez les parents.  Le nombre total des enfants était 1202. L’incidence de l’abus physique était 32,22% et 12,681%, l’abus sexuel 3,42% 10,62%, et l’abus psychologique 5,72% et 1,77% selon la classe sociale.

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§         Screening for Psychosocial Problems among School Children in Ilorin, Nigeria. Using Parents Self Report / by O.B. Oladapo and O.L. Bolanle

ABSTRACT.   The use of parents self-report in the assessment of children’s psychosocial or emotional problems is still very minimal in Nigeria. A controlled evaluation of the psychosocial problems using the parent’s version questionnaire of the childrens depression scale (CDS) Lang and Tisher (1983) was carried out on 52 parents of school children with mean age of 15,3 years, (range 12-16 years) mean  years of education of (10,01) in a local community of Ilorin Nigeria. Subjects were screened as satisfied by inclusion criteria into experimental and control groups.

      Results indicated a partial but inversely discriminating relationship between the two levels of parents assessed. Also a substantial discriminating relationship existed when one compares the self-report of the experimental parents with their children.

       Findings were discussed in the light of caution and restraint in the use of the children depression scale as an instrument for identifying maladjusted behavior among children in Nigeria.

               RESUME.       Ecran des problèmes psychosociaux parmis les élèves des écoles a Ylorin, au Niger en utilisant les    reports     des    parents eux-mêmes.

     L’utilisation des reports des parents eux mêmes dans l’évaluation psychosocial des enfants ou des problèmes émotionnel demeurent très peu au Niger. L’évaluation corolle des problèmes psychosociaux en utilisant le questionnaire version des parents sur le scale de la dépression des enfants (CDS). L’étude de lang et Tisher (1983) a été faite sur 52 parents d’enfants d’école à l’âge moyen de 15,3 ans (entre 12-16 ans) le moyen des années d’éducation est (10,01) dans une communauté locale à Ylorin au Niger. Les sujets ont été mise à l’écran comme satisfaisants en insérant le critère dans des groupes expérimentaux et contrôles. Les résultats ont indiqué une relation discriminatoire partiale entre les deux nivaux des parents évalué. Ainsi qu’une relation discriminatoire substantielle fut existerai en comparer le report des parents mis en expérience  avec leurs enfants. Les découverts ont été discutés a la lumière du caution et de la défaite dans l’utilisation du scale de la dépression des enfants comme étant un instrument d’identification de la conduite male adaptée parmis les enfants au Niger.

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§         Developmental Learning Disorders: Current Concepts and Management Strategies / by E. Breger

ABSTRACT.   Learning Disorders occur frequently and are characterized by inadequate development of specific academic  skills not related to mental retardation, brain damage or socio-cultural  deprivation.

      It appears related to an operational difficulty of the central nervous system in gathering, storing and retrieval  of information. A « cybernetic »  model lends itself well to understanding  these processes. Clinical features, locus of impairment, assessment and treatment are described for each type of learning disorder.

     The material characterizes such problems in ways that increase clinician’s understanding of the variety of difficulties encountered, making them better able to advise and refer appropriately.

                RESUME. LES Désordres Developmentals D’apprendre : Conceptions Curantes et Stratégies de               Ménagement.

      Les désordres d’apprendre arrivent fréquemment et sont caractérisés  par le développement inadéquate des talents spécifiques et académiques qui n’ont pas de rapport a la retardait mental, au défait au cerveau ou a la dépravation socioculturelle. Ils apparaissent dans l’ensemble reliés a une difficulté opérationnelle du système nerveux, accumulation et rappelait des informations. Un modèle « cybernétique » a bien amené lui même a comprendre ces méthodes. Les images cliniques, les lieux de l’impairement, l’évaluation et le traitement sont décris pour chaque type de désordre d’apprendre. Le matériel caractérisé ces problèmes dans des manières qui augmentent le comprend des cliniciens a des variétés de difficultés inconquérables, tout en les rendant plus capables a conseiller et a référer plus justement.

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§         Psychopharmacological Issues in Young Mentally Retarded Subjects / by M. el Batrawi

ABSTRACT :   62 young mentally retarded institutionalized patients were studied for their psychotropic medication both cross-sectionally and prospectively for 10 months. Prevalence of psychotropic use ranged from 19,3% to 23,7% over the study period. Results of a Self-Injurious  Behavior Questionnaire, revealed that patients exposed to neuroleptics showed significantly more acting out and self-injurious behavior than  those not exposed to such medication, and that these behaviors remained significantly increased during the follow-up period inspite of continued neuroleptic administration. Also, neuroleptic exposed patients differed significantly in IQ and percentage of physical handicap than their non neuroleptic exposed counterparts. The study also discusses ethical issues related to the psychopharmacology of the retarded and suggests recommendations for future research in the field.

                RESUME. Sujets Psychopharmacologiques Concernant les Jeunes Personnes Mentalement.

      Durant 10 mois 62 retardées jeunes patients institués et mentalement retardés on été étudiés pour leurs médicaments psychotropiques, prospectivement et transversalement. La prévenance de l’usage des médicaments psychotropiques varie entre 19,3% et 23,7% pendant la période de l’étude. Les résultats sur le questionnaire « Self-Injurious  Behavour » ont démontré que les patients qui ont été exposés aux neuroleptiques démontrent un comportement qui leur fait mal plus qui n’ont pas été exposés.

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§         Parental Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Children: An Egyptian Sample / by Tarandil El-Guindy, Sanaa Ahmed, Azza El-Bakry, T.M. Sami and Amani Abdou

ABSTRACT:   Parental attitudes and practices have significant effects on the prognosis of mentally retarded children. 50 mothers and 10 fathers of mentally retarded children completed a questionnaire of parental attitudes. The most prevalent attitude of mothers is the equality in treating children while the least attitude is their stability in treating their children. Fathers are more accepting to their children. No differences were found in parental attitudes towards the three grades of mental retardation. Mild negative correlation between mothers, attitudes and IQ of the child, mild positive correlation with the age of the child were formed.

                RESUME. Les Attitudes des Parents Contre les Enfants Mentalement Retardés : Une échantillon Egyptienne.

      Les attitudes des parents et leurs manières ont un effet pronostique significatif pour les enfants mentalement retardés. 50 mères et 10 pères ont complètes un questionnaire pour l’attitude des parents. L’attitude le plus prévalant pour les mères a été l’égalité du traitement des enfants, tannique le moins était la stabilité du traitement. Les pères ont été plus acceptant pour leurs enfants. On n’a pas trouvé de différences dans les attitudes des parents pour les 3 dégrées de retardait mental. On a trouvé une corrélation négative entre les attitudes des mères et l’intelligence de l’enfant et une corrélation positive avec l’âge de l’enfant.

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§         Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Treated with Different Doses of Low Potency Neuroleptics / by M. Hassib El-Defrawi and A. Atef

ABSTRACT:   The authors evaluated neuroleptic-induced extra-pyramidal symptoms (EPS) in 61 children and adolescents over four weeks of treatment. In patients treated with low potency neuroleptics, EPS was twice as common with higher doses > 300 mg, (60%) than with lower doses < 299, (26%) mg chlorpormazine equivalents. In patients who were neuroleptic-free before initiation of drug treatment, EPS were more than three times as common in higher doses (73%) than in lower doses (18%).  The authors discusses the implications of these findings and suggests the use of prophylactic antiparkinsonian agents in combination with higher doses of low potency neuroleptics.

RESUME. Les Symptômes Extrapyramidals Chez les Enfants et les adolescents Traités avec des doses différentes des neuroleptiques moins puissants.

      L’auteur a évalué les symptômes extrapyramidals induisent par les neuroleptiques chez 122 enfants et adolescents durant 4 semaines du traitement. Les résultats ont démontré que le pourcentage de ces symptômes (EPS) chez les patients traité avec les neuroleptiques moins puissantes est relativement haut avec les plus grande doses. Finalement l’auteur discute les implications de ces conclusions.

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§         Reliability and Validity of a Local Classification of Schizophrenia / by Y. Rakhawy, Sanaa ElSayed, M. Askar, A. El-Rashidi, M. El-Batrawi, A. El-Bakry, T. Abdel-Gawad, Z. Halim, Soad Moussa and O. ElHattab

ABSTRACT:   In this study an attempt was made to evaluate the inter-rater reliability and discernment validity of a local classification of schizophrenia proposed by Rakhawy (1991). A convenience sample of 94 male subjects with schizophrenia was assessed and the Positive & Negative Syndrome Scale was used as an external validator.

      The proposed classification demonstrated adequate inter-rater reliability comparable to operationally defined subtypes as well as adequate discriminent validity i.e. each of the proposed types qualified as a distinct category. The implications of these findings in relation to other nosological approaches based on operational definitions are discussed.

                RESUME. La Fiabilité et la Validité d’une Classification Locale de la Schizophrène.

       Dans cette étude on a essayé d’évaluer la fiabilité et la validité d’une classification locale proposée par Rahkawy (1991). Un échantillon de 94 mâles schizophréniques a été évalué, et on a utilisé l’échelle de syndrome positif et négatif comme validateur external. On a démontré une validité et fiabilité adéquate pour cette classification. Les implications de ces conclusions ont été discutés.

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§         Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement  Dysfunction in Chronic Schizophrenics and their First Degree Relatives / by M.R. Raslan and M. Shabana

ABSTRACT:   This study had been done on 15 medicated chronic schizophrenics, 12 of their first  degree relatives and 12 normal subjects. Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) study was the target of this work. The results showed that schizophrenics definitely do poorly on this task. Incidence was around 90% on most of SPEM measurement parameters. First degree relatives of schizophrenics showed nearly  similar performance to the sample of normal people. SPEM dysfunction in schizophrenics was not correlated to the age of patient, age of onset of illness, duration of illness, nor to the degree of neuropsychological impairment. Various possibility of the interpretation of SPEM dysfunction in schizophrenia was discussed and a conclusion of the selective attention impairment is most probably behind this dysfunction was reached.

                RESUME. Dysfonction du Mouvement Poursuit Régulier des Yeux chez les Schizophréniques Chroniques et chez                         leurs                       Parents du   Premier Degré.

      Cette étude comprend 15 schizophréniques chroniques prenants des médicaments, 12 de leurs parents et 12 personnes normaux.  L’étude de (SPEM) est le but de ce travail. Les résultats ont démontré que définitivement les schizophréniques performant mal sur ce devoir, avec une incidence de 90%. Les parents ont démontré la même performance que les personnes normaux.  Il n’existait pas une corrélation entre la Dysfonction de (SPEM) et l’âge des patient, la durée de la maladie, ou le degré de la détérioration neuropsychologicale.

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§         Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): A Study of Psychological Symptoms in Relation to Various Disease Parameters / by S. AbdelAzim, S.A. ElBadawy, A. T.M. Khafagi and A.M. AbdelNasser

ABSTRACT:   The present study attempted to investigate the correlation of psychological symptoms in RA patients with the different parameters of the disease. The sample consisted of 100 patients, including 60 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 40 patients with osteoarthritis (OA)  of the knees as a comparative group, and represented newly diagnosed as well as chronic patients in different classes and stages of the disease. Thorough history taking, examination and investigations were done. The Arabic version of Symptom Check List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) was used  as a part of the psychological and psychiatric assessment of the patients. The findings showed that disability was the RA disease parameter that  correlated mostly with depression, followed by the ESR, disease severity, duration, seropositivity and pain were not significantly correlated with any psychological factor. These findings were discussed in  the light of the recent literature.

                RESUME.  Arthrites Rhumatoïde (A.R.) : Une étude des Symptômes Psychologiques en Relation a des Paramètres de                          maladies.

      L’étude présente est un essaie pour investisseur la corrélation des symptômes psychologique dans les patients de l’A.R., selon les différents paramètres de la maladie. L’échantillon est consisté de 100 patients incluent 60 arthrites rhumatoïde (A.R.) patients et 40 patients d’osteoarthritis (O.A.) des genoux comme étant un groupe comparatif. Elle représente les nouveaux diagnoses ainsi  que les patients  chroniques dans des classes et des étapes différents de la maladie., selon les histoires obtenues, l’examen et les investigations qui ont été faites. La version arabe du symptôme de la liste du check 90 revissée (SCL90-R) a été utilisé comme étant une partie de l’évaluation psychologique et psychiatrique des patients. Les découverts ont démontré que la disabilité était le paramètre de la maladie de l’A.R. qui corrèle souvent avec la dépression, pourrissons par le ESR sévérité de maladie. La duration, la sèvre positivité et la douleur n’étaient pas signifiquement corrélés avec aucun facteur psychologique. Ces découverts ont été discutés a la lumière de la littérature.

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§         Tardive Dyskinesia and Adverse Perinatal Events / by M.H. El-Defrawi and A. Atef

ABSTRACT:   The authors screened and examined sixty one children and adolescents who were receiving neuroleptic treatment from consecutive psychiatric admissions and psychiatric consultation to psychiatric center for the présence of Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) using standartized assessment tools  (AIMS and ADS). Assessment was  done on more than one occasion and the diagnosis of positive cases of TD was based on TD Research Criteria. Histories of perinatal adversity, developmental milestones and neuroleptic exposure were obtained for both TD and non-TD subgroups.

       Results showed that twenty present (20%) of the sample received a diagnosis of TD. Patients were more likely to be younger males with previous hospitalization , with longer duration of neuroleptic exposure, have  longer duration of maximal dally dose in mg chlorpromazine equivalents, and with history of exposure to adverse perinatal, neonatal events, developmental delays and neurological events, than non TD patients. In a series of multiple regression analyses, only neuroleptic exposure, adverse perinatal and developmental events were strongly associated with TD. The explanations and implications of our results are discussed.

RESUME.   Dyscinetique Tardif et les Evénements Défavorables Périnatals.

       Les auteurs ont examine 61 enfants et adolescents qui ont pris des neuroleptiques pour la présence de (TD) en utilisant des moyens d’évaluation standardisés. Les résultats ont démontré que (20%) ont été diagnoses comme (TD). Il existe encore une association claire entre les neuroleptiques événements défavorables périnatals et developmentals.

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q       Journal Abstracts

q       Thesis Review

q       Book Review

q       Contents of the Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry from December 1978 to January 1994


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 The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 17.2

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