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The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry

Vol. 21, N° 1, January (1998)\EPA.htm




§          Social Psychiatry: (Part III) (Abstracts). / by Mahmoud S. AbdelGawad

§          Depression, Unhedonia and Psychic Pain The Need for Identification  before Categorization / by Y.T. Rakhawy

§          Neuro-Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy / by R. Al-Jamal and A. Abdallah

§          Behavioral Habits and Cognitive Functions of Elderly People in Port-Fouad Area / by I. Youssef, M El-Geneidy and S. Abo-Abdo

§          Platelet Activity in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Concomitant Major Depression / by A.M. Kassem, Aly A. El Sayeh, M. El-Kabsh and M.I. Ibraheem

§          Assessment of the Quality of Life of Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis / by I.M. Youssef and M.S. E. Khedr

§          Neurobehavioural Effects of Lead Exposure on School Children / by B.M. Abdel-Hady, M. Hassib El-Defrawi and I. Youssef

§          Study on Benzodiazepines Users among Adult Sudanese Rate of Prescription and Dependence / by D.El Gaili and O. Abdu

§          Adolescent Attitudes Towards their Family, Peers School and the Community / by Amira Seif El-Din and Yousre AbdelSalam

§          Clinical Comorbidity of Depression and Personality Disorders among Women Attending Al-Hussein Hospital / by M.H. Kamal Bahri

§          Infantile Autism in Egyptian Children Assessment and Clinical Correlates / by M.H. El-Defrawi, A. Atef and M. Arafa

§          Incidence of Schizophrenia at First Admission in Bahrain / by M. AbdulKarim and M.K. Al Haddadr

§          Attention Impairment in First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenic Patients : Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Evidence / by O. Madkour, S.A. Kamal, A. Hashem and M.R. Raslan

§          Depression in Parkinson’s Disease A Clinical Study / by Gamal Shama

§          Psychiatric Aspects of Burns / by M.R. Kandil, A.A. El-Sayeh and M.A. El-Otiefy

§          Psychiatric Morbidity in Rheumatological Disorder / by A.M. Al-Jadiry and S. Kamil Ali


q       Journal Abstracts

q       Thesis Review




§         Social Psychiatry: (Part III) (Abstracts). / by Mahmoud S. AbdelGawad


§         Depression, Unhedonia and Psychic Pain The Need for Identification  before Categorization / by Y.T. Rakhawy


§         Neuro-Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy / by R. Al-Jamal and A. Abdallah

ABSTRACT:   The sample of this study consisted of 24 patients with age range of 5-15 years  suffering from non-active liver cirrhosis and 20 normal control subjects matched  for age, sex and education with the patient group. They were subjected to medical, neuro-psychological and psychiatric assessment. The neuro-psychological  testing involved testing of both the performance ability, which was impaired in patients and the verbal ability, which was preserved. The different medical parameters whether clinical signs and symptoms or laboratory investigations were  tested for correlation with the neuro-psychological abnormalities and no correlations were found except for prothrombin level. Psychiatric assessment included  clinical mental status examination, the use of brief psychiatric rating scale and   personality assessment form. Individual psychiatric symptoms detected by clinical mental state examination did not show significant differences between the patients and the control subjects although psychiatric symptoms - in general - were  significantly more in the patients. However, the use of the brief psychiatric rating  scale revealed the prevalence of some psychiatric symptoms more significantly in the patients than the control subjects. Personality assessment revealed that generally, patients were more emotional, anxious and easily provoked. However, there is no evidence that these psychiatric symptom and personality characteristics  could explain the existing neuro-psychological abnormalities.This study concluded that cases of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy significantly defected bv neuro-psychological testing might have particular psychiatric  and personality profile, which is not manifest by clinical mental state examination, but clinical psychiatric scales could reveal it. These personality and psychiatric features - though not out-standing, might put a question mark on the assumption of previous studies that these. patients have - on clinical examination -   normal mental status,

RESUME. Aspects neuro-psychologique de l'encéphalopathie   hépatique sans signes cliniques.                       

L'étude a porté sur 24 patients âgés de 5 à 15 ans, souffrant de  cirrhose hépatique non-active et un groupe témoin de 20 personnes pariés pour l'âge, le sexe et le niveau scolaire. L'étude a montré que les patients souffrant d'encéphalopathie hépatique sans signes cliniques   pourraient présenter un profile psychiatrique et un profile de personnalité particuliers, que l'on peut détecter en utilisant des tests  neuro-psychologiques.

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§         Behavioral Habits and Cognitive Functions of Elderly People in Port-Fouad Area / by I. Youssef, M El-Geneidy and S. Abo-Abdo

ABSTRACT:   A Cross sectional descriptive study was done on 300 elderly (172 males and  128 females). They were interviewed using behavioral habits questionnaire and  Minimental scale (MMS). The mean age was 67.3 years. It was found that 64.6% were independent as regards ADL (Activity of dally living). Praying was the  most important reason for going out (39.3%), while shopping came next (29%), seeking medical examination (20%). In addition, 28% of the sample bas a score less than 24 in MMS. There was a statistically significant difference between male and female as regards cognitive functions. There was au inverse relationship between smoking and cognitive impairment, but the difference is not significant.  The study revealed insignificant relationship between behavioral habits and cognitive functions of the elderly with the exception of practicing exercise.       

RESUME. Les habitudes de comportement et  les fonctions cognitives des personnes âgées à Port- Fouad      

       300 personnes âgées ont été examinées pour valeur leurs fonctions   cognitives et leurs habitudes de comportement. Leurs âge moyen était  6.73 ans. On a trouvé des différences significatives dans les fonctions  cognitives entre les femmes et les hommes. On a aussi trouvé des relations différentes entre les habitudes de comportement et les fonctions cognitives.

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§         Platelet Activity in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Concomitant Major Depression / by A.M. Kassem, Aly A. El Sayeh, M. El-Kabsh and M.I. Ibraheem


§         Assessment of the Quality of Life of Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis / by I.M. Youssef and M.S. E. Khedr

ABSTRACT:   The study was conducted on 76 patients (48 males and 28 females) on chronic regular hemodialysis for one year or more to assess the quality of life. The patients were enrolled from Ismailia dialysis units. Quality of life index  was designed to include 8 items . work productivité, daily living activities,  sleeping pattern, social and leisure activities, sexual activities, psychological status, family functions and patient's outlook and patient's perception of  health. The attitude of patient towards dialysis and his religions orientation  were obtained through a controlled interview. Zung self rating scale for depression was applied. Presence of other medical problems was obtained by reviewing patient's record. lt was found that 17 patients had good quality of life (QOL), 30 had fair QOL and 29 Patients had poor QOL. There was no difference in the results as regards sex and age groups. There was a significant decrease of QOL in illiterate patients, patients with other medical problems, patients with negative attitude towards therapy, patients with weak religions  orientation and depressed patients.

RESUME. L'évaluation de la qualité de vie des patients hémodialisés     

      L'étude a été conduite sur 76 patients (48 hommes et 28 femmes)  maintenus sur hémodialise régulière pour une période d'un an ou plus. Le but était d'évaluer leur qualité de vie. Les indices de la qualité de vie incluaient 8 items: les performances professionnelles, les activités de tous les jours, la qualité du sommeil, les activités sociales et de loisirs, la fonction sexuelle, l'état psychologique, le fonctionnement familiale et le positionnement par rapport à la notion de santé. Nous avons aussi    explorer à travers un entretien l'attitude des patients vis-à-vis de la  dialise et l'orientation religieuse. L’échelle de la dépression de Zung a aussi été utilisé. Il y avait une baisse significative dans l'évaluation de la  qualité de vie chez les patients illettrés, les patients ayant d'autres  problèmes médicaux, les patients ayant des attitudes négative vis-à-vis  des soins, les patients ayant une faible orientation religieuse et les patients déprimés.

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§         Neurobehavioural Effects of Lead Exposure on School Children / by B.M. Abdel-Hady, M. Hassib El-Defrawi and I. Youssef

ABSTRACT:   Objective - 1-To find out the blood lead level in children aged 9 - 11 years in urban and rural Ismailia, Egypt. 2 - To find out the effect of high blood lead level on neurobehavioural test scores Design : A cross - sectional study . Setting - Urban and rural primary schools in lsmailia, Egypt. Participants- 250 children (125 from urban and 125 from rural areas ). Main outcome measure : Scores in The Wechsler intelligence test, and the Matching Figures test. Results : The mean blond lead lever in urban and rural areas    18+5.31ug/dl, and 17.8 + 8ug /dl respectively . Overall, 62% of the children had lead level < 15 ug/ dl, . This effect was still present after controlling for the confounders . Conclusion : lead pollution is an important problem in Egypt. It is associated with lowered performance in neuro-behavioral tests a community wide intervention program is strongly recommended to combat this problem .

RESUME. Les effets neuro-comportementaux de l'exposition au   plomb chez des enfants d'âge scolaire          

       Les objectifs de cette étude est d'evaluer le niveau sanguin de  plomb chez des enfants de 9 à 11 ans habitant des régions urbaines et  rurales à Ismailia en Egypte et de voir les effets neurocomportementaux, d'un taux sanguin de plomb elevé.          

       Nos résultats soulignent que la pollution au plomb est un  important problème en Egypte, cette pollution est associée avec de  moindre performances dans les tests neuro-comportementaux. Nous proposons un programme d'intervention communautaire afin de combattre ce problème.

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§         Study on Benzodiazepines Users among Adult Sudanese Rate of Prescription and Dependence / by D.El Gaili and O. Abdu

ABSTRACT:   Adult patients attending Omdurman Medical and Psychiatrie Out-patient  Clinics during a nine month period were studied in relation to aspects of Benzodiazepines (BZD) use. The BZD prescription rate was estimated as 4.64% This was  found to approximate estimates in industrially developed countries. Higher prescription rate was found in the Medical as compared to the Psychiatric clinic. The rate of BZD dependency was estimated as 45%. The duration of use was the most  important factor. Long duration of BZD use was associated with more cases of BZD dependence It is concluded that there are evidences for invalid prescription for BZD by doctors working in general practice. BZD were used unjustifiably for long duration.

RESUME. L'usage de Benzodiazepines parmi les adultes Sudaneses.     

       Ou a étudié la relation entre l’usage de bengzodiazepines et les  malades Sudanses fréquentés les cliniques psychiatriques et les autres  cliniques dans un période de 9 mois à l’hôpital d'Omdourmane. On a trouvé que le taux de la prescription de BZD est 4.64%, le taux de dépendance de BZD est 45%, le taux deprecription de BZD chez les  autres cliniques médicaux sont plus élèves que celui de clinique  psychiatrique l'emploie de BZD pour longtemps est associé avec la dépendance de BZD chez des plusieurs cas.     

      Les résultats de cette étude a comme conclusion de l'importance de l'invalidité de prescription de BZD chez les docteurs non-spécialisé.

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§         Adolescent Attitudes Towards their Family, Peers School and the Community / by Amira Seif El-Din and Yousre AbdelSalam

ABSTRACT:   Adolescent is a development period of rapid physical , psychological, sociocultural and cognitive changes characterized by effort to confront and establish  a sense of identity and autonomy The present study aims to assess present adolescent's attitudes their family , peers , school and community , and the desired  attitudes that they are missing in these areas. The sample constituted of 160  High - School students , tool was a self rating questionnaire, data were analyzed and 0.05 was the level of significance. The result showed that the most problems  faced by an adolescent are the family problems and the desired and missing of love, cooperation and communication within the family, pears, school and community . There was a significant relation between adolescent's towards what  they expect to be in his family , peer, school and community , with their type of educational system , sex scholastic and father's education Our findings suggest  the importance of the family, school and mass media roles in developing adolescent's self esteem and subsequently their mental health competency       

RESUME.     L'attitude des adolescents chez leur famille , écoles, camarades et aussi leur communautés.             

       Cette étude a comme bute d'évaluer le présent attitudes des  adolescents chez leur famille, écoles, camarades et aussi leur communautés.            

        Un échantillon de 160 étudiants au niveau secondaire ont été choisis  et le questionnaire (self rating questionnaire) a été appliqué.             

        Les données ont été analysé et 0.05 était le niveau signifiante les résultats ont montré que les majeures des problèmes faces l’adolescent sont les problèmes de la leur famille, la relation entre les membres de la famille, école et la communié aussi qu'il y a une relation signifiante entre  l’attitude excepté des jeunes et le niveau éducatifs., et culturelle des  parents.             

        Les résultats trouvées proposent ou montrent l'importance du rôle de la famille, école et masse media sur la développement des jeunes eux -mêmes et en conséquence et leur santé mental.

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§         Clinical Comorbidity of Depression and Personality Disorders among Women Attending Al-Hussein Hospital / by M.H. Kamal Bahri

ABSTRACT:   The study was implemented on 100 individuals attending AI-Hussein Hospital, from November 96 to April 97. They were divided into Croup 1 including 50 depressed married female patients, their age ranged from 20 to 30 years with a  mean age of 25, and Group Il with 50 normal married females, their age ranged   from 20 to 32 with a mean age of 26. Both Croups were subjected to Comprehensive medical and psychiatric examination and Personality Assessment inventory  and Beck lnventory scale for Croup 1. The distribution of the different types of  depression among Group 1 showed that Dysthymia and Major Depression constituted the highest percentages reaching 52% and 22% respectively. Cyclothymia   patients accounted for 18% of the depressed patients with the bipolar 1 and bipolar Il disorders each constituting 4% of the depressed Croup. The study revealed   that 31 out of 50 depressed patients (62%) had personalitv disorders. In comparison, only 6 individuals (12%) of the control Croup had personality disorder with  a significant difference (p<0.0005). This suggests a positive correlation between   depressive and personality disorder. Since major depressive disorder and Dysthymia constitute the highest percentage among Group 1 patients, it is important   to analyze their relationship with the various types of personality disorders. The  statistics show that 5 individuals out of 12 major depressed patients had borderline personality disorder (41.6%). Major depression is also associated with other  types of personality disorders, including schizotypal (17%), histerionic (17%),   avoidant,(8%),dependent(8%)and depressive(8%) personality disorders. Another type of depression that correlates highly with personality disorder is Dysthymia (p<0.0005). The highest occurrence of personailty disorder types for dysthymic patients were histerionic (30.8%). dependent (15.4%) and borderline   (15.4 %) personality disorders. Although the comorbidity between personality disorder and other types of depression other than the major depressive and dysthymic disorders is not statisticallv significant, the percentage of patients suffering from depression other than Dysthymia and major depression who also suffer  from personality disorder reaches 19.2 %, which is a percentage not to be neglected. To conclude, the diagnosis of depression and axis II personality disorders  have been found to co-occur in female patients. In specific, there is a strong link  between major depression disorders, Dysthymia and personality disorders. This  link will bave an implication on the method of treatment suggesting that drug  treatment in addition to psychotherapy should be combined in handling this   problem.

RESUME.    Comorbidité entre dépression et trouble de la personnalité   parmi une population de femmes consultantes à l'hôpital AI-Hussein.             

       Nous avons effectué une étude sur 100 femmes consultantes à  l'hôpital AI-Htmein,  50 présentaient  un  trouble  dépressif  principalement dépression majeur et dysthymie, les 50 autres femmes ne présentaient pas de troubles psychiatriques et formaient un groupe  témoin. Le but de l’étude était d'évaluer la comorbidité entre  trouble  dépressif et trouble de la personnalité.             

      Nous avons trouvé une corrélation positive entre le trouble dépressif et le trouble de la personnalité, une corrélation significative a été trouvé   entre la dépression majeur et le trouble de la personnalité de type  borderline ainsi qu'une corrélation significative entre la dysthymie et le  trouble de la personnalité de type histrionique.             

      Nos conclusions confirment l'existence d'une comorbidité entre le diagnostique de trouble dépressif, principalement la dépression majeur et la dysthymie, avec celui de trouble de la personnalité chez les patients  de sexe féminin de notre étude. Cette association devrait peser sur les  méthodes    thérapeutiques  en  associant   pharmacothérapie  et  psychothérapie dans ce type de pathologie.

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§         Infantile Autism in Egyptian Children Assessment and Clinical Correlates / by M.H. El-Defrawi, A. Atef and M. Arafa

ABSTRACT:  Infantile autism is a serious developmental disorder of childhood characterized by an early onset of severe delays in social, communicative and cognitive development with generally poor prognosis, the present study reports on reliability  and validity of ratings of 37 Egyptian autistic children and adolescents surveyed  from 9 centers serving the mentally handicapped (n = 449). The Arabic version of  childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) was used in inter-rater and test- retest  studies by multiple raters. Agreements and disagreements in relation to different  areas of dysfunction were satisfactory and showed an overall utility and practicality.      

      The second part of this study describes the perinatal, developmental and behavioral correlates of those children. Autistic children and adolescents have significantly higher adverse perinatal events than their controls (P<0.001). our results suggest that using a reliable scale to assess autistic children was useful, and   that their may be a subgroup of autistic children with etiological factors related to  perinatal adverse events.      

RESUME.   L'autisme Infantile Chez Les Enfant Egyptiens évaluation  et Manifestations Cliniques.

      L'autisme infantile est un trouble grave du développement caractérisé par le début précoce d'un retard important du développement sociale, communicatif et  cognitif avec généralement un pronostique défavorable, cette étude porte sur la fiabilité la validité de la méthode d'évaluation ayant permis de centres pour arriérés mentaux (n=449).           

      La deuxième partie de cette étude décrit les facteurs périnatals, de développement et comportementaux associés chez ces enfants. Les enfants et adolescents  autiste ont été exposé à des traumatisme périnatals d'une façon significativement plus élevé que le groupe témoin (P=0.001). Nous pensons que l'utilisation  d'une échelle d'évaluation afin de tester les enfants autistes était utile, et que il pourrait y avoir un sous groupe d'enfants autistes avec une étiologie liée à des  traumatisme périnatals.

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§         Incidence of Schizophrenia at First Admission in Bahrain / by M. AbdulKarim and M.K. Al Haddadr

ABSTRACT:   This is a study of hospital incidence rates of schizophrenia at first admission in Bahrain. During the period 1988-1996, 325 Bahraini Schizophrenic patients were admitted; 200 males and 125 females. The mean   age was 28.4 + 7.6 years. The average annual incidence rate was 1.29 per 10,000 population for all ages and 2.13 for ages 15-54 years. There was  gradual and steady decline in the incidence rates for males, females and  both sexes combined for all ages and ages 15-54 years. Various reasons   for the decline in incidence are discussed.

RESUME. L’incidence de schizophrénie pour la première fois à l’hôpital du Bahrain.

        Une étude a été faite pour évaluer le taux d’incidence de schizophrénie dans une période 1988-1996 à l’hôpital du Bahrain les résultats ont démontré que 325 schizophrénies ont été admise à l’hôpital (200 hommes, 125 femmes) avec moyen âge de 28,4 années. Le taux d’incidence annuaire est 129/10.000 populations, il y a une d’échine graduel au taux d’incidence et aussi les raisons de se décadence seront discutés.

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§         Attention Impairment in First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenic Patients : Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Evidence / by O. Madkour, S.A. Kamal, A. Hashem and M.R. Raslan

ABSTRACT:   Fifty-five first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients were compared to an  age and sex-matched control group of thirty normal subjects. The main aim was  to look for evidence of impaired attention in the study group. Neuropsychological  assessment used Cancellation Tests and Reaction Time. Neurophysiological investigation was performed using P300 component of auditory evoked cortical potential. Obtained findings showed impairment of attention in the study group. These     results were a proof of the hereditability of impairment of attention in families of schizophrénies. Studying attention in high risk groups for schizophrenia may prove useful in detecting vulnerable individuals. This may be a step foreword in  organizing a program for primary prevention of schizophrenia.

RESUME.  Trouble de l'attention chez les parents de premier degré de patients schizophrènes :Indices neuro-psychologiques et neuro-physiologiques.        

      Nous avons conduit une étude comparative pour évaluer le trouble de l'attention chez 55 parents du premier degré de patients schizophrènes contre un groupe  témoin de 30 personnes pariés pour l'âge et le sexe.         

      L'évaluation  neuro-psychologique et neuro-physiologique a mis en évidence un trouble de  l'attention chez le groupe des parents de premier degré des  patients schizophrènes. Ces résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse de l'hérédité du trouble de l'attention dans les  familles de patients schizophrènes. L'étude de l'attention dans les groupes à haut risque pour la schizophrénie  pourrait être utile afin de dépister les individus  vulnérables, cela pourrait servir aussi afin d'organiser un       programme de prévention primaire pour la schizophrénie.

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§         Depression in Parkinson’s Disease A Clinical Study / by Gamal Shama

ABSTRACT:   This study was done on thirty patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and ten  normal persons as a control in Neuropsychiatry department in Tanta University  Hospital. Neuropsychiatric examination and application of DSM III were done for all of them. Certain scales as Hamilton rating scale of depression (URSD), Hoehn and Yahr stages of PD (H and Y) and Modified Cornel UCLS Parkinson Dlsease Rating scale were done. The study showed that depression occurs in 56.67% of  patients with PD, 64.71% meet criteria for major depressive episodes, 35.29%  have dysthymia. Depression in PD is distinguished from other depressive disorders by a lower rate of depressed mood, anxiety symptoms, guilt and suicide. There was significant association between the patients age at the onset of PD and depression. However, there was no significant association between sex of patients and depression. No significant correlation between depression and motor manifestations of PD (tremar, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability) and between  either motor disability or duration of PD and depression. So, we. can conclude  that, depression in PD is a biological one. It is hoped that future studies may illuminate the neuropathological and neurochemleal changes underlying the association of depression and PD.

RESUME. La dépression dans la maladie de Parkinson. Une étude clinique .

     Cette étude a porté sur 30 patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson et 10 autres personnes, non atteintes, comme groupe témoin. L'étude a montré que la dépression avait une prévalante de 56.67% des patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson, 64.71 % d'entre eux répondaient aux critères de l'épisode dépressif majeur et 35.29% à celui de la dysthymie. La dépression associée à la maladie de Parkinson se distingue des autres troubles dépressifs par une moindre incidence de l'humeur dépressive, de l'anxiété, de la culpabilité et du suicide. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation significative entre les troubles moteurs ou la durée de la maladie de Parkinson et la dépression.

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§         Psychiatric Aspects of Burns / by M.R. Kandil, A.A. El-Sayeh and M.A. El-Otiefy

ABSTRACT:  This study was carried out in Assiut University Hospital, on 50 burned patients and 30 control cases. The study showed that burns occur more frequently below age of 40 years (86%) flame was the commonest cause of burn and house- wives were the most common victims. (42% of burned patients). 18% of the total burned cases had preburn psychiatric disorders, while 64'% of the total burned cases had post - burn psychiatric disorders. Clinical intrview and application of psychiatric scales showed that burn cases were more affected than control cases.

RESUME. Etude Psychiatriques des Brûlés.

     Cette étude a été conduite à l'hôpital universitaire de l'université d'Assiout sur 50 patients brûlés et 30 autres patients comme groupe témoin.

     Nous avons trouvé que 18% des patients brûlés présentaient des troubles psychiatriques avant leur brûlures, tandis que 64% des patients brûles présentaient des troubles psychiatriques après leurs brûlures.

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§         Psychiatric Morbidity in Rheumatological Disorder / by A.M. Al-Jadiry and S. Kamil Ali

ABSTRACT:  The psychiatric morbidity in 100 patients with rheumatological disorders and 100 apparently healthy individuals was compared, The General Health Questionnaire - 30 (GHQ-30) and (DSM -III-R) based Semi - Structured interview (SSI) as a psychiatric means for evaluation were employed.

    The results revealed that the patients had, statistically, insignificantly higher psychiatry abnormalities than the control, and that affective disturbances were the predominant ones.

    The relationship of these abnormalities to several socio-demographic variables, and type of rheumatological diagnosis was discussed.

RESUME.  Morbidité Psychiatrique Dans Les Troubles Rhumatologiques.

     Nous avons comparé le taux de morbidité psychiatrique chez 100 patients souffrant de troubles rhumatologiques et 100 individus apparemment en bonne santé.

     Les résultats ont montré que les patients présentaient un taux, statistiquement insignifiant, plus élevé de troubles psychiatriques que les individus en bonne santé, les troubles de l'humeur étaient prédominants.

                     Nous avons examiné le rapport entre ces troubles et plusieurs variables socio-démographiques ainsi que le diagnost  rhumatologique.

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q       Journal Abstracts

q       Thesis Review


Document Code PJ.0106

 The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 21.1

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