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Affective Disorders History of psychiatry Psychoneuroendocrinology
Anxiety disorders Informatics ,Internet in psychiatry Psycho-oncology
Behaviour and cognitive therapies Mental health policy and economics Psychopathology of expression
Biological psychiatry Mental retardation Psychopharmacology
Child and Adolescent psychiatry Military and disaster psychiatry Psychophysiology
Clinical psychology Neurosciences and neuropsychiatry Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis
Clinical psychopathology Obsessive compulsive disorders Public policy and psychiatry
Diagnosis and classification of psychiatric disorders Personality disorders Religion and psychiatry
Drug dependency and alcoholism Postgraduate psychiatric education Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Eating disorders Preventive psychiatry Sexual disorders
Epidemiology of mental disorders Psychiatry, law and ethics sleep and wakefulness Disorders
Ethics of psychiatric practice and research Psychological aspects of persecution and torture Somatoform disorders
Forensic psychiatry Psychometry Transcultural psychiatry
Geriatric psychiatry   Psychoneurobiology Womens mental health


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