World Psychiatric Association
Organise XIII World Congress of PsychiatryEGYPT - Cairo September 10-15/2005 Email: secretariat@wpa-cairo2005.com Website: www.wpa-cairo2005.com |
دعــــوة إلــى الأطبـــاء النفسـانييـــن العـــرب |
Congrés Mondiale de Psychiatrie
(Eng.) |
Mo -
Mo -
- 94
Ko -
- 70 Ko - |
Dimanche,11 Sept. - 506 Ko - |
Lundi, 12 Sept. - 477 Ko - |
13 Sept. - 534 Ko - |
Mercredi, 14 Sept. - 506 Ko - |
Jeudi, 15 Sept. - 274 Ko - |
![]() |
Dimanche, 11 Sept. - 433 Ko - | Lundi, 12 Sept. -402 Ko - | Mardi, 13 Sept. - 410 Ko - | Wednesday, 14 Sept. - 433 Ko - | ||||
![]() |
- 500 Ko - |
Changements de la dernière minute - 104 Ko - |
- 229 Ko - |
q WELCOME : Invitation from the Congress President |
‘5000 Years of Science and Care -Building the Future of Psychiatry’: the 13th World Congress of Psychiatry
The 13th
World Congress of Psychiatry will take place in Cairo,Egypt from 10 to 15
September, 2005. This is the first time in the history of the WPA that an
African and Arab country hosts the World Congress. Prof. Ahmed Okasha
q Tentative List of Topics |
Aggression / Aging / AIDS and HIV Related Disorders / Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorders / Alzheimer’s Disease / Animal Models in Psychiatry / Anticholinergics / Anticraving Drugs / Antidementive Drugs / Antidepressants / Antipsychotics / Anxiety Disorders / Anxiolytics / Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder / Autistic Disorders / Biological correlates of Mental Disorders / Biological Markers / Biological Rythms / Bipolar Disorders / Brain Imaging / Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychiatry / Cognition Enhancing Drugs / Cognitive Neuropsychiatry / Community Services / Comorbidity in Psychiatry / Cost Issues in Psychiatry / Dementia / Depression / Developmental Disorders / Dissociative Disorders / Drug Dependence / Eating Disorders / Education in Psychiatry / EEG-Mapping / Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) / Emergency Psychiatry / Epidemiology and Mental Disorders / Epilepsy / Ethics of Psychiatric Practice and Research / Evidence based Psychiatry / Extrapyramidal Syndromes / Forensic Psychiatry / Gender Issues in Psychiatry / Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) / Genetics/Molecular Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders / Geriatric Psychiatry / Herbal Psychotropics / History of Psychiatry / Hospital Psychiatry / Hypnotics / Hypnotics: Clinical Impulsecontrol disorders / Internet and New Communication Methodology / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Maintenance Treatment / Memory and Cognitive Disorders / Mental Health Economics Mental Retardation / Migraine and Tension Headache / Molecular Neurobiology and Pharmacology / Mood Disorders / Neuroendocrinology / Neuroimaging / Neurophisiology / Neuropsychiatry / Neuropsychology / Neurosteroids / Neurotoxicology / Obsessive-compulsive Disorders (OCD) / Organic Mental Disorders / Other Psychiatric Disorders / Panic Disorders / Patient Education / Personality Disorders / Pharmacoeconomics / Pharmacogenetics / Pharmacokinetics / Philosophy and Psychiatry / Phobias / Posttraumatic Stress Disorder / Premenstrual Syndrome / Prevention in Psychiatry / Psychiatric Education / Psychiatric Nursing / Psychiatric Rehabilitation / Psychoneuroimmunology / Psychogeriatrics / Psychoimmunology / Psychoneuroendocribiology / Psychopharmacology / Psychophysiology / Psycho-social factors and mental health / Psychotherapy / Psychotic Disorders / Quality Assurance / Rehabilitation / Research Strategies and Methods / Schizophrenia / Sexual Disorders / Side Effects of Antidepressants and Antipsychotics / Sleep Disorders / Social Network Interaction / Social Psychiatry / Somatic Disorders / Somatoform Disorders / Stress Disorders / Substance Related Disorders / Suicide Prevention / Suicide / Telemedicine in Psychiatry / Traditional and Alternative Treatment in Biological Psychiatry / Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) / Transcultural Psychiatry / Transgenic Models / Treatment Techniques and Issues / Vascular Dementia / Violence / Withdrawal from Drugs
q Organization | ||||||||||||||||||||
The XIII Congress of Psychiatry is organized by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in collaboration with the Egyptian Psychiatric Association (EPA). § PRESIDENT OF THE CONGRESS Ahmed Okasha (Egypt) President of the World Psychiatric Association § ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairpersons A. H. Khalil (Egypt) - Congress Director / P. Ruiz (USA) Co-Chairpersons J. Cox (UK) / D. Moussaoui (Morocco) Assistant to the Congress Director T. Okasha (Egypt) § SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chairpersons J. Mezzich (USA) Co-Chairpersons S. Abdel Azeem (Egypt) / G. Christodoulou (Greece) / M. Maj (Italy) § COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSIONS & PROGRAM COORDINATION Chairpersons C. Hassen (Germany) / A. Sheshaai (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons M. Ghanem (Egypt) / A. Latief (Egypt) Secretary T. Gawad (Egypt) § MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE (CME) Chairpersons R. Montenegro (Argentina) / M. Kamel (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons A. El Akabawi (Egypt) / M. Fahmi (Egypt) Secretary E. El Ghoz (UK) / V. Sami (Egypt) § COMMITTEE FOR COORDINATION WITH WPA SCIENTIFIC SECTIONSChairpersons G. Christodoulou (Greece) / Y. Abdel Mohsen (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons W. Gaebel (Germany) / I. Youssef (Egypt) Secretary A. Saad (Egypt) § PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Chairpersons M. Maj (Italy) / F. Lotaief (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons M. El Fiky ( Egypt) Secretary S. Aboul Magd (Egypt) § FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairpersons M. Abdel Wahab (Egypt) / S. Tyano (Israel) Co-Chairpersons E. Fahmy ( Egypt) Secretary S. Salem (Egypt) / M. Sayed (Egypt) § EVALUATION COMMITTEE Chairpersons Z. Bishry (Egypt) / P. Ruiz (USA) Co-Chairpersons M. El Atrouni ( Egypt) / C. Hassen (Germany) / R. Montenegro (Argentina) Secretary O. Shaheen (Egypt) § PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Chairpersons B. Saraceno (WHO - Geneva) / A. Mohit (WHO/EMRO - Cairo) / K. Rahgeb (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons A. Aboul Azayem (Egypt) / N. Loza (Egypt) Secretary F. Moussa (Egypt) / M. Riad (Egypt) § FELLOWSHIP AND YOUNG PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE Chairpersons J. Mezzich (USA) / A. Sadek (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons S. Abdel Azeem (Egypt) / E. Gad ( Egypt) / A. Medani (Egypt) Secretary J. El Nahas (Egypt) / M. El Rakahawy (Egypt) / M. Shaheen (Egypt) § COMMITTEE FOR ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Chairpersons C. Carbonell (Spain) / J. Cox (UK) / Y. Rakhawy (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons W. El Liethy (Egypt) / H. Thomashoff (Austria) Secretary S. Moussa (Egypt) § PUBLIC RELATION & SOCIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE Chairpersons E. El Zayat (Egypt) / C. Sebastian (Spain) / A. Sadek (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons A. Omar (Egypt) / C. Sicilia (Spain) Secretary M. Hammouda (Egypt) / J. Turky (Tunisia) § LOCAL ORGANIZING & ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairpersons A. Ashour (Egypt) / M. S. Gawad (Egypt) Co-Chairpersons F. Aboul Magd ( Egypt) / F. Loza ( Egypt) § SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE Chairperson A. Okasha (Egypt) Chair Scientific Committee J.E. Mezzich (USA) President EPA M. Kamel (Egypt) Congress Director A.H. Khalil (Egypt) Chair Organizing Committee P. Ruiz (USA) WPA Z.R. for North Africa T. Okasha (Egypt) Advisor to the President J.J. Lَpez-Ibor (Spain) Advisor to the President N. Sartorius (Switzerland) Consultant E. ElZayat - Representative from Emeco Consultant C. Sicilia - Representative from Tilesa
q Congress Information | ||||||||||||||||||||
§ DATESeptember 10 - 15, 2005 § CONGRESS VENUECairo International Convention & Exhibition Center web site: www.cicc.egnet.net § OFFICIAL LANGUAGESENGLISH will be used in every session of the congress. Simultaneous interpretation into SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, JAPANESE and RUSSIAN, and possibly other language, will be available at some sessions. ENGLISH is recommended for all correspondence.
Each fee is applied for certain countries as classified by World Bank Economic Categories as follows: * Category A: High-income countries ** Category B: Upper-middle income countries *** Category C: Lower-middle income countries **** Category D: Low income countries Please, check the categories in the list on our web site: Regular fee includes: _ Attendance to all scientific sessions _ Social events: opening ceremony, closing ceremony and one other social event. _ Entrance to the exhibition. _ Congress bag, documents, final program, book of abstracts and other congress materials.
§ PROGRAM OUTLINE September 10th, 2005 OPENING CEREMONY September 10th, 2005 OPENING CEREMONY September 11th, 2005 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM (Plenary Sessions, Symposia, Educational Program, Satellite Symposia, Papers, Courses) September 12th, 2005 GENERAL ASSEMBLY September 15th, 2005 CLOSING CEREMONY § EXHIBITION A major exhibition will be held in the Exhibition complex of the Conference Centre (CICC). For further information, please contact with e-mail: exhibition@wpa-cairo2005.com § OFFICIAL CARRIER Egypt Air The official carrier offers a 25% discount on excursion tickets to all conference participants upon a credit letter requested from the organizing committee. § VISA Visa to Egypt is easily and directly issued in Egyptian embassies and consular offices in all countries over the world. Please, do not hesitate to contact your local office. The Organizing Committee will send a letter of invitation upon request to facilitate travel and visa. § CLIMATE The average day temperature in September is 14-18؛ C. Light casual wear is suitable. § LETTERS OF INVITATION The Organizing Committee will be delighted to issue a formal letter of invitation for participants. This invitation is intended to facilitate raising funds and obtaining entry visa; it does not entail any financial commitment from the congress organizing committee towards the delegates.
q How to Contact Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Please address all correspondence concerning the congress to: XIII World Congress of Psychiatry Scientific and Technical SecretariatTILESA OPC, S.L. c. Londres, 17 - 28028 Madrid (Spain) Tel.: +34 913 612 600 Fax: +34 913 559 208 e-mail: secretariat@wpa-cairo2005.com Travel AgentEMECO Travel Accommodation, Tourist Services e-mail: accommodation@wpa-cairo2005.com For the latest information, please visit our web site:
q Date to Remember | ||||||||||||||||||||
Interim steering committee
WPAProf. Juan J. Lَpez-Ibor EPAProf. Said Abdel Azim Co-Chairman of the
Scientific Committee,Cochairman of the Committee of the Fellowship& Young
Psychiatrists and Member of the Medical Education Committee |
Congress secretariat
TILESA OPC, S.L. Londres, 17 - 28028 Madrid - Spain EMECO
2 Tallat Harb St. - Cairo 11111 - Egypt Afaf
Fax: +202 683 6379 |
Congress logo
The congress logo represents Wedjat - eye - which is the left eye
of Horus injured by his evil uncle Seth which was treated by the god Thot ,
the god of medicine and science ( the logo of the Egyptian Psychiatric
Association). This eye represents care and protection and is the origin of
the sign the symbol of medical prescriptions . |
Document Code PC.0011 |
World Psychiatric Association |
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