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أطباء نفسانيون

علماء النفس




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دوريات علوم النفس

الهيئة العلمية والاستشارية


جمـــــال التركـــــي

الرئيس الفخري (ط. ن.)

قتيبــة الجلبــي

المستشار الشرفي (ط. ن.)

عبد الرحمان ابراهيم

مستشـار الرئيــس (ط. ن.)

وليد خالد عبد الحميد


الطب النفساني

إبراهيــم الخضيـــر

أحمـــــد العـــــش

حسنيـــن الطيـــار

حمـــدي المصيلحـــي

زبيـــــر بــن مبـــــارك

سـداد جــواد التميمـي

شـــــارل بـــــدورة

صــــــادق السامرائـــــي

علـي إسماعيـل عبـد الرحمـن

محمـد أديــب العسالـــي

محمـد كمـال الشريـف

منـــــــى الرخـــــــاوي

موســــى الزعبــــي

وائـــل أبـــو هنـــــدي



21 عاما من المنجزات

شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية

رابط التحميــل


مشاهــد مـن تاريخنــا...

... أمـام نـور الوعـي


قريــــــــــب . . .

... إذا دعــــــــــــــان


تاريخ التأسيس


الإطلاق على الويب


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  • • 1 جانفي 2024... شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية تدخل عامها الثالث والعشرون ... 23 عاما من الكدح ... 21 عاما من العطاء
  • مؤسسة العلوم النفسية العربية تهنئ الدكتورة سماح جبر و الدكتورة زينب حناوي بفوزهما ب جائزة شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية 2023
  • مؤسسة العلوم النفسية العربية تهنئ البروفيسور سداد جواد التميمي بتكريمه بلقب المفلحون في علوم وطب النفس
  • مؤسسة العلوم النفسية العربية تهنئ الأستاذ الدكتور البشير معمرية بتكريمه بلقب الكادحون في علوم وطب النفس
Arabpsynet Associations - WIAMH


الجمعيــة العالميــة الإسلاميــة للصحــة النفسيــة




q       التعريــف

    أنشئت عام 1983 إبان انعقاد المؤتمر العالمي للطب النفسي بمدينة فيينا و تم اختيار مجلس الإدارة الأول إبان الاجتماع بمسجد مدينة فيينا و الغرض الأول من إقامتها هو جمع العلماء النفسيين المسلمين و العاملين في ميدان الصحة النفسية في العالم الإسلامي لتحقيق الأهداف النفسية و التي جاءت في اللائحة الأساسية كالآتي :

    - العمل في مجال الصحة النفسية مما يتفق مع المبادئ الإسلامية في مجال البحث العلمي و التأليف و زيادة الروابط بين العاملين في ميدان الصحة النفسية و الخدمات النفسية و الاجتماعية عن طريق الآتي :

1-     إجراء البحوث في مجال الصحة النفسية.

2-     التأليف في مجال الصحة النفسية.

3-     إنشاء مركز لتوثيق البحوث

4-     تبادل العلماء و الأساتذة

5-     عقد مؤتمر عالمي كل سنتين حول الموضوعات الهامة التي تختارها الجمعية.

6-     إنشاء نظام للمنح الدراسية.

7-     إصدار مجلة باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية بموافقة الجهة الإدارية المتخصصة

8-     المشاركة في المؤتمرات العالمية

9-     العمل على تطبيق المثل الإسلامية في الوقاية من الأمراض النفسية.

10- الإستفادة من رسالة المسجد في تحقيق الوقاية و العلاج و التأهيل للمحتاجين للرعاية النفسية.

    تم شهر الجمعية بجمهورية مصر العربية و سجلت تحت رقم 128 بتاريخ 18/01/1984 وطيه اللائحة التأسيسية المسجلة و قد أصدرت الجمعية لائحتها الأساسية في اجتماع غير عادي يوم 19/أكتوبر 1987 إبان انعقاد المؤتمر العالمي للصحة النفسية بالقاهرة و التي دعت إليه الجمعية وطيه دستور الجمعية.

و قد قامت الجمعية منذ نشأتها عام 1983 بإصدار نشرات دورية عن نشاطها و برامجها.

و قامت الجمعية منذ عام 1984 بإصدار مجلة "النفس المطمئنة" باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية.

و قامت الجمعية بالدعوة لمؤتمرها الأول بباكستان 5-8 ديسمبر 1985 و قد افتتح المؤتمر رئيس جمهورية باكستان و حضره وفود عدة من البلاد الإسلامية و على رأسهم وفد السعودية و رابطة العالم الإسلامي.

و نظمت الجمعية لقاءات بالمملكة السعودية في جامعة الرياض لهيئة التدريس بكلية الطب و مستشفي حراء بمكة للسادة بالمنطقة الغربية.

كما دعت الجمعية للمؤتمر العالمي للصحة النفسية بالاشتراك مع الاتحاد العالمي للصحة النفسية و الجمعية المصرية للصحة النفسية تحت رعاية الرئيس حسني مبارك.

هذا و قد انضمت إلى الجمعية جمعيات أخرى محلية تعمل في ميدان الصحة النفسية متخذة من المسجد مركزا لنشاطها.

§         نشأة الجمعية العالمية الإسلامية للصحة النفسية :

    وقد استقبلت محاضرة د . جمال أبو العزائم استقبالا جيدا وأعطته مركزا متميزا في المؤتمر وأسرعت في تكوين أول منظمة لإقليم شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط والجمعية العالمية الإسلامية للصحة النفسية في نفس العام. وعلاوة على المجموعات المصرية فان أعضاءها المؤسسين كانوا جمعيات الصحة النفسية لدول الخليج وباكستان وبنجلاديش والكويت وانضم أعضاء آخرون فيما بعد من الجزائر والسودان . وكان أول رئيس لها هو الدكتور / أسامة الراضي أحد أعضاء الاتحاد العالمي للصحة النفسية مدي الحياة وهو أول رئيس للخدمات الطبية النفسية السعودية مع جمال أبو العزائم كسكرتير عام. وكان النائب الأول للرئيس هو الدكتور/ محمد رشيد شودري أستاذ الطب النفسي بكلية الملك إدوارد الطبية بلاهور وقد قابلته لأول مرة في مؤتمر مانيلا 1981 حيث أهداني لعبة صغيرة على هيئة مدفع مذهب وكان " المستشار" هو الدكتور طه بعشر المستشار السابق لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لإقليم شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط كما انه أستاذ الطب النفسي بجامعة الخرطوم بالسودان . وكان المؤتمر العام الأول للمنظمة يوم 9 أكتوبر 1983 في القاهرة وبعدها بقليل مثل الدكتور /أسامة الراضي الاتحاد العالمي للصحة النفسية في الاجتماع الإقليمي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية بالأردن وقد حضره وزراء الصحة لكل دول الشرق الأوسط . وقد القي محاضره عن تطور دور الاتحاد في الصحة النفسية للإقليم مع الاهتمام بتكوين الجمعية العالمية الإسلامية للصحة النفسية. وكان اجتماعها السنوي الأول في اسطنبول بتركيا في أغسطس 1984 أثناء المؤتمر الإسلامي .

In The Name of God

The Most Merciful The Most Compassionate

The Constitution of The World

Islamic Association For Mental Health

THE WORLD ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH, hereafter referred to as WIAMH is an Islamic Association founded approximately two decades ago by Drs. Gamal Abou El-Azayem, Mohammed Rashid Chaudhry, Osama El-Rady, Omar Shaheen, Arshad Hussain and Farouk Sendiony with the objective of promoting the mental health of Muslims. Since modern psychiatry is a Western import to the Muslims it was felt by pioneer Muslim psychiatrists, that for psychiatry to work more effectively in the Muslim world all aspects of the psychiatric process including Diagnosis, Prognosis Treatment, and Planning for Psychiatric Facilities, have to be adapted to the Islamic cultural context. The major objectives are to promote mental health in Muslim counties and to carry research in cultural psychiatry of the Muslims. It is hoped to coordinate efforts with other international mental health bodies such as the World Psychiatric Association and its Section of Transcultural Psychiatry, Pan Arab Congress of Psychiatry and others.

Since its foundation the WIAMH has conducted numerous national and international conferences around the world (Lahore – Pakistan – 1985 and 1991; Cairo – Egypt – 1987 and 1994; Tripoli – Lebanon – 1996; Leicester – United Kingdom – 1997).

WIAMH Pioneered in the area of Trauma Psychology. In collaboration with University of Missouri – Columbia, International Center for Psychosocial Trauma they sponsored International Conferences on Post War Mental Health Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The First International Conference on Post War Mental Health Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on March 11, and 12, 1996 in Sarajevo. The second was held in Columbia – Missouri, U.S.A. on July 11-12, 1998. The third congress was held in Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzogovina and was organized by the World Islamic Association for Mental Health and the International Center for Psychosocial Trauma (University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A.). The central theme which cross cut these international congresses was: Traumatiztion: An Islamic Perspective. All aspects of Traumatization, including Diagnosis, Psognosis, Treatment, Prevention of Post Traumatic Stress were adjusted to the Islamic Cultural Context.

There is a consensus amongst the anthropologists that religion holds a supreme sway over behavior, thinking and feelings. This is particularly true for Islam which defines self (and hence mental health) in a religious rather than a secular term. In Islamic view, religious and mental health forces are intimately intertwined. These observations have lead a number of Muslim Psychiatrists around the world to develop innovative methods for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illness.; in these conferences, a number of world renowned psychiatrists from Islamic Countries participated and presented the programs they have developed utilizing the Islamic Principles. Dr. M.F. El-Sendiony from Australia discussed Islamic views of mental illness, Dr. Osama M. Al-Radi from Saudi Arabia, presented various Islamic preventive and therapeutic modalities, Dr. Gramal Abu El-Azayam from Egypt presented his program on drug addiction and Dr. Arshad Husain discussed the child rearing practices in Islamic culture and its impact on future mental health of individuals.

Tomorrows’ historians may well look upon the current period as one in which serious attempts were made to understand better the differences as well as the similarities between men throughout the world.

In this respect, the reader of this Website will be richly rewarded, as it affords an overall picture of mental illness and its treatment in the Muslim World. But more than this the authors of this Website will weave this data firmly into the socio-cultural fabric of the Muslim World.

The reader may find it instructive to note similaties to all other cultures, similarties to some, and perhaps some features unique to the Muslim World.


q       أهــداف الجمعيــة

·         تطبيق الإيديولوجية الإسلامية كعامل من عوامل الوقاية ضد الأمراض النفسية

·         الاستفادة برسالة المسجد لتحقيق الوقاية و العلاج و التأهيل للأشخاص الذين يحتاجون العناية النفسية

·         القيام بالأبحاث اللازمة في ميدان الصحة النفسية مع الاهتمام بالإيديولوجية الإسلامية

·         تبادل الزيارات و الخبرات مع العاملين في مجال الصحة النفسية في الدول الإسلامية و غير الإسلامية

·         إقامة مركز إسلامي متخصص للتسجيل خاص بالصحة النفسية الإسلامية

·         تبادل الأساتذة و العلماء مع المراكز العلمية الأخرى التي تعمل في مجال الصحة النفسية في الدول الإسلامية

·         عقد مؤتمرات كل سنتين لمجلس الإدارة في إحدى العواصم الإسلامية لمناقشة الأبحاث و الدراسات التي قام بها الباحثون المسلمون في هذا المجال

·         البدء في عمل نظام المنح الدراسية التي تستطيع الجمعية أن تمنحها للدراسة في مختلف الدول

·         إصدار مجلة باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية لنشر أبحاث العلماء المسلمين في مجال الصحة النفسية

·         الإشتراك في المؤتمرات الدولية لشرح مبادئ الإسلام فيما يختص بالصحة النفسية

·         القيام بأبحاث ومسوح علمية على المستوى العربي والإسلامي للاكتشاف المبكر للاضطرابات السلوكية والأمراض النفسية .

·         مواجهة المشكلات النفسية والاجتماعية والخلقية في المجتمع العربي والإسلامي وذلك بتقديم الحلول الملائمة لتلك المشكلات

·         القيام بقياسات منتظمة للمظاهر الاجتماعية المتغيرة في مجتمعنا العربي والإسلامي ، لتحديد تأثيراتها وانعكاساتها على المجتمع

·         التركيز على أهمية دور الأسرة ووظائفها الرئيسية في تنشئة اجتماعية ونفسية سليمة

·         تأسيس المراكز النفسية والعلاجية وعيادات أقسام الطب النفسي في المستشفيات العامة ومستشفيات الصحة النفسية المتخصصة ودعمها ماديا ومعنويا لتعزيز دورها في الجانب الإقليمي العلاجي للصحة النفسية، باعتبارها من دعائم التنمية .

·         توفير الأدوات القياسية الملائمة للبيئة العربية الإسلامية وذلك عن طريق تصميم وتقنين الاختبارات  والمقاييس النفسية السريرية التي تتواءم مع الثقافة العربية والإسلامية .

·         الاهتمام برعاية ضحايا العنف والعدوان والكوارث وإنشاء المراكز التي تهتم بذلك ووضع خطط الوقاية والعلاج لهذه المشكلات .

·         العمل على إنشاء مراكز للإسعاف النفسي لمساعدة الحالات الحادة والمضطربة ، وتوجيهها نحو العلاج السليم .

·         تشجيع قيام مراكز الإرشاد النفسي وتقديم البرامج الإرشادية الوقائية للأسرة وللمؤسسات الاجتماعية والتربوية لإرشاده لطرق التربية السليمة والعمل على وقائية أبنائنا وشبابنا من الانحرافات النفسية .


q       مناهـج العمــل  


§         العمل على تقنين وسائل القياس والتشخيص النفسي بما يتفق مع كل بيئة من البيئات العربية والإسلامية .

§         إنشاء مراكز الإرشاد النفسي .

§         إنشاء مكاتب في الدول العربية والإسلامية لإدارة الأزمات الأسرية والعمل على التوافق النفسي لأعضاء الأسرة .

§         تشجيع قيام مؤسسات تعمل على مواجهة البطالة التي يعانى منها بعض الشباب العربي والإسلامي ، والعمل على مساعدته في العثور على عمل حتى لا يكون عرضة للتيارات الانحرافية المستهدف لها

§         العمل على مكافحة المخدرات والمسكرات لوقاية الشباب العربي والمسلم من الإغراءات المنهالة عليه حتى لا يقع فريسة لهذا المرض .

§         الاهتمام بوسائل الأعلام وما يقدم فيها للعمل على تغيير الاتجاهات السلبية نحو الأمراض والاضطرابات النفسية وبالتالي تكوين الوعي الصحي والاجتماعي السليم نحو المريض النفسي أو العقلي ومراعاة منع المواد التي تدعو إلى التدخين والمسكرات وغيرها من وسائل الانحراف

§         الاهتمام بالشباب تربويا ونفسيا وثقافيا ودينيا عن طريق تكوين دور الشباب وأشراكهم في عمليات اتخاذ القرارات التي تمس مشكلاتهم .

§         الاهتمام بدور المسجد ليس باعتباره مؤسسة تربوية دينية فقط ، ولكن بالإضافة إلى ذلك أنه مؤسسة دينية ثقافية تغرس في الشباب القيم الإسلامية وترشدهم إلى الطريق السوي .

§         القيام بانتقاء وإعداد الدعاة وعلماء الدين لتكون لديهم القدرة على التعامل مع الشباب ومشكلاتهم .


q       الأعضــاء

HONORARY PRESIDENT: H. R. H. Prince Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz
First President: Dr. Osama El-Rady
President II: Prof. Rashid Chaudhry
President: Prof. Omar Shaheen
President: Elect: Prof. Dr. Syed Arshad Husain                       

HEAD OFFICE: Nasr City P. O. BOX 8180 - Cairo, Egypt - FAX: 202-2600541
Secretary General: Dr. Farouk El-Sendiony
Treasurer: Dr. Ahmed Abou El-Azayem


 Dr. Abu Bakr Badahdah / Saudi Arabia
Prof. M. Shafique / Pakistan
Prof. A. E. Gangat / South Africa
Dr. A. M. Al-Naboulsi / Lebanon
Dr. S. A. Hosseni / Iran
Prof. Dr. A. Z. Al-Ashwal / Egypt
Dr. A. S. Al-Khulaidi / Yemen
Dr. Hussain Habul / Malaysia
Dr. Jaffer Quershi / United Kingdom & Europe
Dr. O. Sinnanovic / Bosnia & Herzegovina


Prof. Dr. T. A. Baashar / Sudan
Dr. Osama Al Radi / Saudi Arabia
Prof. Dr. Selim Ammar / Tunisia

q       القانــون الأساســي


Name and Objectives :

1 -  A world wide Islamic Association has been formed carrying the name of “ The World Islamic Association for Mental   Health “ .
2 -  The objectives of the Association :

a -  To apply the Islamic ideology as a preventive factor against psychological  disorders .
b -  To make use of the mission of the mosque to realize prevention , treatment and rehabilitation for those who need psychological  care .
c -  To conduct research work in the fields of mental health with special bearing on Islamic ideology .
d -  To exchange visits and experience with those working in the field of mental health in different Islamic and non Islamic countries .
e -  To set a special center to register Islamic mental health .
f -  To exchange scholars and professors with other scholars and centers working in the field of mental health in Islamic countries .
g -  To convene a Biennial conference in the capital by the Board in order to discuss the researches and studies by the Moslem researchers in these fields .
h -  To start a system of scholarships which the Association can award for studies in different countries .
i - To issue a magazine in Arabic and English to publish the researches of the Moslem scholars in the field of public mental health .
j -  To participate in the international  conferences to explain the Islamic principles regarding mental health .

Membership Article 1 :
Section 1 Voting Members :

 The following are the voting members of the Association .

1 -  Any branch of the WIAMH concerned with the promotion of mental health and the prevention and treatment of mental illness which  has acquired the approval of the Board and  has paid dues . These branches have the right of 5 votes  in all elections .
2 – Founding members who have paid their last year dues .

Section 2 Representatives of Branches :
Rights  and responsibilities of voting branches will be exercised  by a person designated  by the  branch for that purpose .
If the branch does not designate such a representative , the chief executive officer  of the branch will be the representative .
Representatives of branches will be eligible for election to the Board of Directors .

Section 3 Application for membership :
An application to become a member will be made in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directors and will  be subject to approval by the Board
Section 4 Resignation :
Any member may withdraw from the Association be submitting a written resignation to the President . Resignation will be effective upon receipt unless otherwise specified therein .

Sections 5 Termination of Membership :
The Association may terminate any membership for conduct detrimental to the interests and purposes of the Association , or for the adoption of policies antiethical to the policies of the Association . A two - thirds vote of the total membership of the Board at which the member in question may be heard , is required for termination  .

Article II : Officers :
Section 1 - Designation .
The officers of the Association will be the President , Immediate Past President , President - Elect , Treasurer  , Secretary and ten regional Vice Presidents . In addition , the Board may create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary . The Secretary General by virtue of his position , will be an officer for the purpose of acting on behalf of the Association in accordance with the authority vested in him .

Section 2 . Duties .
1 - The President will :

a -  Be responsible to the Board for the overall administration of the operations of the Association .
b - Represent the Association in relation to member Associations , international and governmental organizations , and related professional associations , or designate either on his own initiative or in accordance with instructions from the Board other persons to so represent the Association .
c -  Preside over the Assembly .
d -  Preside over meetings of the Board .
e -  Have such powers and perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board .
f -  Serve as ex-office member ,without vote , of all committees .
g - Perform all other duties which may be incident to the office of President .

2 - The Immediate Past President will :

a - Serve as chairman of the Nominating Committee .
b - Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board .

3 - The President Elect will :

a - Assist the President in the performance of the duties of that office as requested .
b - Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board .

4 - The treasurer will :

a - Be the custodian of the funds of the Association and disburse all moneys of the Association in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors .
b - Represent the Board in the preparation of the budget in budget management , in the auditing of the financial records , and in financial development .
c - Act through the Secretary General , receive  deposit ,  invest , and administer gifts , legacies , requests ,devises grants and property of any sort or nature in such depositories as may be designated by the Board or by an officer ( s ) to whom the Board may delegate the power to designate ,and in accordance with any specific direction given to the Treasurer by the Board .
d - Perform all other duties ordinarily incident to the office of Treasurer .

5 - The Secretary will :

a - Insure that the official records of the Association as required by law are maintained , that required reports are properly submitted and that minutes of the Assembly , Board and Executive Committee meetings are duly recorded and available for inspection .
b - Have such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the Board or the President , as well as such other duties as may customarily be the responsibility of the Secretary .

Section 3 Election and Appointment , Terms :

1 -  The President Elect and the Secretary will be elected by the Assembly .
2 -  The President will succeed from the office of President Elect by affirmation by the Assembly . In the event that the position of President elect will become vacant prior to succession to the Presidency the Board of Directors will designate a replacement subject to affirmation by the Assembly .
3 - The Treasurer will be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Board .
4 - Regional Vice Presidents will be appointed by  the Board . In making appointments the Board will be guided by recommendations from the regions . The Board will have the power to establish the number of regions and define their respective boundaries .
5 - The term for all offices is two years . No person may be elected or appointed to the same one of the offices of Secretary ,Treasurer or Regional Vice president more than twice consecutively . The term for those offices that are not specifically designated but are within  the Board’s discretion to create , will be set at the time of appointment but will not be  longer than three years .
6 - The election of officers will take place at the meetings of the Assembly and the Board held at the time of the Association’s biennial congress or , if for any reason a congress is not held , at the annual meeting of members  and the Board held in odd-numbered years . Appointments of appointed officers designated in Section I will be made at the same time .

Article V :
Board of Directors :
Section 1 . Formation :
The Board of directors will consist of the President , Immediate Past President , President - Elect , Treasurer , Secretary , and ten Regional Vice Presidents .

Section 2 Duties .
The Board Will :

A - Be responsible for the policy decisions of the Association .
B -  Consider and act upon all matters of business properly the responsibility of the Board .
C - Select and charge a Secretary General for the implementation of the Association operations .
D - Perform all other duties placed upon them by law , these by law and general practice in a non profit Association .

Section 3 . Meetings :
The Board will hold at least one meeting in each year , in odd-numbered years.  This meeting will be held at the time and place of the Association biennial congress for the purpose of election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before that meeting  . Meetings other than the one to be held in conjunction with the biennial congress will be held at such time and place as may be determined by the President . Notice of the time and place of such meetings will  be sent to each member of the Board by air mail or an equivalent form of communication addressed to the Board members at  the address shown in the Association , at least 30 days before the day on which the meeting is to be held . Such notice will be deemed to have been received by the members of the Board .

Section 4 . Quorum : Actions without meetings :
A majority of the  members of the Board will constitute a quorum . If a quorum is present , the act of a majority of the members of the Board present will be the act of the Board . Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board or of any Committee thereof  may be taken without a meeting if written consent thereto will have been signed by all members of the Board or such committee as the case may be and such written consent will be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of committee . Any resolution adopted in such manner will have the force and effect of Board or committee action . Until the next regular meeting of the Board
the action can be duly ratified .

Article VI :
Committees :
Section 1. Executive Committee :
The Executive Committee will have and will be entitled to discharge all the duties of the Board between meetings of the Board . Minutes of the proceedings will be circulated forthwith to the full Board . The executive Committee will be formed of the President , Immediate Past President , President Elect , Treasurer , Secretary and Chairman of the Membership Committee .  The Executive  Committee will be chaired by the President .

Section 2 . Membership Committee :
The Membership Committee will review applications for the organization membership and recommend approval or disapproval to the Board. It will also be responsible for membership development . The Membership Committee will be chaired by one of the Vice-Presidents on the Board of Directors and will be appointed by the President .

Section 3 . Finance Committee :
The Finance Committee will be responsible for the organization’s fiscal affairs including activities related to financial development The Finance Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and appointed by the President .

Section 4 Nominating Committee :
The Nominating Committee will be six in number exclusive of the Chairman and will be responsible for the development of a slate of nominations for officers to be elected by the Assembly . The Nominating Committee will also prepare a slate of nominations for election by the Assembly to the Nominating Committee which will be chaired by  the Immediate Past President and need not be among  those to be elected . In the event the position of Immediate Past President is vacant , the President may appoint a chairman of the  Nominating Committee subject to ratification by members of the Board . The President will serve with the Nominating Committee but will not be the chairman .

Section 5 . Other Committees :
Other Committees may be appointed by the President and by the Board when necessary and desirable for the achievement of the organization’s purposes . They will have such powers as the President and the Board have authority and choose to vest in them and  will serve for the period of time set by the President and the Board . Section 6. Compensation : Members of Committees will not receive any compensation for their service but on the recommendation for the President and the Treasurer they may be reimbursed in part or in whole for expenses incurred in attending any meeting of the committee or in connection with the committee’s activities .

Article VII :
Assembly :
Section 1 . Membership :
The voting members of the corporation will constitute the Assembly .


Section 2. Powers and Duties :

The Assembly will :
A - Receive reports of the President and the Secretary General .
B - Receive financial statements and reports of the Treasure and auditors .
D - Receive and act upon reports of the Nominating Committee related to the election of the President - Elect and the Secretary .

Section 3 . Meetings :
The Assembly will hold at least one in each calendar year . In odd-numbered years the meeting will be held at the time and place of the Congress . In these years the Assembly will elect officers and transact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting . The time and place of meetings held in even-numbered years will be determined by the Board and will be held in conjunction with a meeting of the Board or the Executive Committee .
The  Board may also call , and  set the time and place of special meetings of the Assembly  Meetings of the Assembly will generally be open to all interested parties . However , the President may lose the meeting to those who are not members of the assembly when he deems it desirable .

Section 4 . Notice :
A written notice of annual meetings will be sent by air mail or the equivalent to each member of the Assembly  , at least 20 days prior to the new date of holding the meeting  . The Board may call a special meeting of the Assembly upon one month’s written notice stating the purpose , time and place of the meeting . Section 5 Voting , Quorum : At  Assembly meetings , each assembly member is entitled to one vote  in person or by proxy . The branches will have five votes for one branch per country .The majority members of the Assembly represented in person or by proxy will constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Assembly . After an hour the meeting becomes legal . The vote of a majority of those assembly members present in person or by proxy will decide all matters brought before the meeting .

Article  VIII :
Secretary General :
The Secretary General will be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Association  , will be employed by and responsible to the Board of Directors ,  and  will serve for such  compensation and such period of time as may be mutually agreed upon . He will be charged with the overall general management  of the Association , the direction of the Association’s secretary and the development and supervision of relationships with the organization’s voting and non-voting membership .
The following are his specific responsibilities

A -  Be in contact as often as required with the  President , Treasurer , and Secretary .
B - Serve as a center of  communications between various officers , members of the Board , and committees  .
C - Publish newsletters covering significant news collected from  member associations , vice presidents , governments and related associations .
D - Maintain membership files and send out annual dues notices .
E - Be in close contact with representatives to and of the United Nations  and its specialized agencies .
F - To  extend time and funds permit , take part in conferences , congresses and other meetings and obtain or produce reports and publications emanating from such meetings for circulation as appropriate .
G - Proved  leadership for program planning and financial development .
H - Be responsible for hiring and supervision of all other staff in accordance with the budget and related policies adopted by the Board .
I - Act as secretary at , and keep the minutes of , the meeting of the Assembly and Board and cause the same to be recorded in books provided for that purpose.
J - Give proper notice of all meetings of the Assembly , Board and Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law .
K - Serve as custodian of the records of the Association and of the corporate  seal and see that the seal is affixed to all documents , the execution of which on behalf of the Association  under its seal will have been duly authorized , and  attest the seal when so affixed .
I - Maintain all books , reports , statements , certificates and other documents and records required by law  to be kept or filed . M  - Exercise such additional powers and duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board or by the President . The Secretary General will have authority to make expenditures consistent with the provisions of the budget adopted by the Board . The Secretary General will set the salaries for all other staff in accordance with personnel policies adopted by the Board . The Secretary General will participate actively in the deliberations of the Board and Executive  Committee and will make himself available to serve with other committees to the extent that time and financial resources   permit ,but he will not be a voting member of such committees .

Article IX :
Congress :
Section 1. Purpose , Participants :
World Congresses will normally be held every two years to consider themes and subjects of contemporary concern in the field of mental health  . They will be open to members and other interested persons .

Section 2 . Location and Program :
The Board of Directors will choose the location and will take such steps format for the congresses . The locations will be chosen in such a way that any region able to assume the responsibilities will have the opportunity to hold a congress in its region at least once every 20 years .
When appropriate , the Board will enco9urage regional or inter-regional meetings with themes related to Congress themes .
On the basis  of long-term usefulness ,demand , format and cost , the Board will decide whether to publish papers presented at , and a record of the proceedings of these Congresses  .

Article X :
Membership Fees :
The Board of Directors  will publish each year a schedule of dues for members and branches to become effective on January 1st of the following year . The dues are $ 15 for the member per year and $ 100 per year  for the branch .

Section 2. Collection :
Membership fees are due on the date of joining and 12 months from that date in succeeding years .

Section 3. Termination of Membership for Nonpayment :
The membership of an associate may be canceled by the Board  if the organization has not paid its dues within 12 months of the due date. However , if all dues are paid by the organization within 6 months of the termination , membership will be automatically restored .

Section 4. Administration :
The Board will make any regulations required pertaining to currency , rates of exchange and other matters related to fees .

Article XI :
Finances and  Financial Reports :
Section 1. Financial Reports :
The Board of Directors , through the President and Secretary General , will report annually to the Assembly concerning the Association’s financial  position for the previous year . To the  extent possible , that report will be based on a formal audit of the books . The Board will also report upon the current year through the month preceding  the Assembly meeting .

Section 2. Audit :
At its meeting the  Assembly will select  the auditors to prepare the audit of accounts for the current year .

Section 3. Fiscal Year :
The fiscal year of the Association will be the calendar year unless otherwise determined by the Board .

Section 4. Financial Policy :
The financial policy of the Association will be to prepare an annual budget which does not presume a deficit and to the extent possible to work toward forward funding of core personnel and  essential operating expenses .Annual income from membership fees and other regular sources including annually renewed donations , interest or dividends earned from reserves , profits from projects , and sales of books and other publications will be available for the cost of regular recurring expenditures
Grants and designated gifts will be sought for the support of special projects . Donations or legacies not restricted by   the donor may be expended on special projects at  the discretion of the Board or may be added to the reserve established by the Board for the purpose of increasing the level of forward funding which the Association is able to achieve .

Article XII :
Amendments   :
Section 1 .
Amendment  By Assembly :
The Bylaws of the Association may be altered , amended or repealed at any meeting of the Assembly by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Assembly members present , in person or by proxy , and entitled to vote thereat , provided that notice of the general nature of the proposed changes in the Bylaws will  have been given  in the notice of such meeting to Assembly members  in writing to all Assembly members at least one month prior to such meeting .


Section 2. Amendment By Board :
In addition , the Board of Directors will have the power to alter , amend , or repeal the Bylaws by the  affirmative vote of the majority of the whole Board at any regular or special meeting of  the Board whether or not notice of the proposed change in the Bylaws will have been given in the notice of such meeting to the Board . Such alteration , amendment or repeal will be effective at the time of adoption by  the Board . If , however , it is not ratified by the Assembly at its next  meting , it will cease  to be effective and   prior  provision will be revived .

Article XIII :
 Waiver of Notices :
A waiver of due notice of any meeting can be given in writing or by telegraph or telephone before or after the time scheduled for the meeting . Waiver of due notice or attendance at such meeting without objection to the lack of notice will be deemed equivalent to notice .

Article XIV :
Offices :
-  The Secretariat or head office of the Association is located in Cairo .

Article XV :
-  Languages :
-  The working languages of the Association are Arabic and English . The Board will arrange interpretation into other languages to the extent feasible and warranted in connection with participation at Congresses and meetings of the Assembly , having always in mind the importance of clear communications in such  a organization  worldwide .



World Islamic Association for Mental Health





القائمة البريدية

شارك في قائمة المراسلات

المعجـــم التفاعلـــي

التفاعلـــي العربــــي

عربي، انجليزي، فرنسي

*** ***

التفاعلــي الإنكليـــزي

انجليزي، فرنسي، عربي

*** ***

التفاعلـــي الفرنســي

فرنسي، انجليزي ، عربي




الهيئة العلمية والاستشارية

الرئيـــــس الشرفـــــي

الغالــي أحرشــاو

المستشار الشرفي (ع. ن.)

البشيــر معمريـــة

مستشار الرئيس (ع. ن.)

مصطفــى العشـــوي


علــــوم النفـــس

إخـلاص حسـن عشريــة

خالـــــد الفخرانــــــي

خالـــد عبــد الســـلام

خولـــــة أبـــو بكـــــر

رمضـــــان زعطـــــوط

سامــر جميــل رضــوان

سامية بكري علي عبد العاطي

السيـد فهمـي علـي

عبـد الحافـظ الخامــري

عبد الحكيم محمد بن بريك

عبـــد الفتـــاح دويــدار

عبــد الله الطارقــي

عبـــد الناصــر السباعــي

قاســـم حسيــن صالـــح

كمـــال حســـن كتلـــو

محمـــــــد الميــــــر

محمـد سعيد أبو حـلاوة

معــن عبـــد البــــــاري

الكتــاب الذهبــي

لشبكة العلوم النفسية العربية

رابـط التحميــل

الأريكـة العربيـة ...

... فـي التحليـل النفسانـي


ويتفكرون ...

... ولا تكن من الغافلين


تاريخ أخر تحديث


عداد المتصفحين

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمؤسسة العلوم النفسية العربية