رابط صفحة الإتحاد على الشبكة |
2023 |
المجلـــــــد 34 العــــــدد 1 |
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2022 |
المجلـــــــد 33 العــــــدد 2 |
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المجلـــــــد 33 العــــــدد 1 |
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دليل الملخصات
2021 |
المجلـــــــد 32 العــــــدد 2 |
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دليل الملخصات
المجلـــــــد 32 العــــــدد 1 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=463&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP32.1-2021Content.pdf
دليل الملخصات مع روابط كامل نصوص دراسات العدد
2020 |
المجلـــــــد 32 العــــــدد 2 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=439&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP32.2-Content.pdf
المجلـــــــد 32 العــــــدد 1 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=416&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP32.1-Content.pdf
2019 |
المجلـــــــد 31 العــــــدد 2 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=392&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP31.2-Content.pdf
المجلـــــــد 30 العــــــدد 1 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=377&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP30.1-Content.pdf
2020 |
المجلـــــــد 29 العــــــدد 2 |
تحميـــــل العـــدد http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=343&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP29.2-Content.pdf
المجلـــــــد 29 العــــــدد 1 |
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2017 |
المجلـــــــد 28 العــــــدد 2 |
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المجلـــــــد 28 العــــــدد 1 |
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2016 |
المجلـــــــد 27 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=216&controller=product&id_lang=3 http://www.arabpsynet.com/Journals/AJP/AJP27.1-Content.pdf
2015 |
المجلـــــــد 26 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=215&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
المجلـــــــد 26 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=214&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2014 |
المجلـــــــد 25 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=213&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
المجلـــــــد 25 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=212&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2013 |
المجلـــــــد 24 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=211&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
المجلـــــــد 24 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=209&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2012 |
2012 |
المجلـــــــد 23 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=208&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2011 |
المجلـــــــد 22 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=207&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2010 |
المجلـــــــد 21 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=205&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
المجلـــــــد 21 العــــــدد 1 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=204&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2009 |
المجلـــــــد 20 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=203&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
2008 |
المجلـــــــد 19 العــــــدد 2 |
http://www.arabpsyfound.com/index.php?id_product=202&controller=product&id_lang=3 |
1989-2008 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
Vol. 1, No. 1, November |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
Vol. 3, N° 1, May |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
Vol. 8, N° 1, May |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
Vol. 9, N° 2, November |
Vol. 11, N° 2, November |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
. |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
Vol. 15, N° 1, May |
Vol. 16,
N° 1, May
![]() |
N° 1, May
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2007 |
2008 |
Vol. 18, N° 2, November |
Instructions To Authors |
The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (AJP)
has been printed since 1989. It is owned by the Arab Federation of
Psychiatrists. Original scientific reports, review articles, and articles
describing the clinical practice of Psychiatry will be of interest for publication in AJP.
The articles may be written in English or Arabic but must always be
accompanied by an abstract in English and Arabic. All papers are accepted upon the understanding that the
work has been performed in accordance with national laws and International
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(objectives, method,
results and conclusion). It
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and persons who have had major contribution to the study can be included on a
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Arabic abstract follows the
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Tables :
Tables should be typed with double-spaced in separate pages.
They should be numbered with Arabic (e.g. 1, 2, 3) numerals
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Reference list :
References should follow the “Van
couver style”. List them consecutively in the order in which they occur in
the text (not alphabetically). List all authors, but if the number exceeds
six, give six followed by et al.
FJ, Imbiden, JB, Meyer E.
Contemporary conversion reactions : a clinical study.
Am. J. Psychiatry 1960 ; 116:901-10
Mosey AC. Occupational therapy. Configuration of a
profession. New York : Raven Press 1981.
Gotesman KG. Behavioural
aspects of physical illness. In: Ohman R, Freeman H, Holmkvist
AF, Nielzzen S, editors. Interation between mental and physical
illness. Needed areas for research.
Berlin Spinger verlag
1989 : 120-34
Notice : The author should send the final copy of the article in
floppy disk matching with IBM-Microsoft |
Address of correspondence |
Mailing address : The Arab Journal of Psychiatry.
P.O. Box 5370, Postal code 11183
Amman – Jordan
Tel : 009626462465 Fax: 0096264623571
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الإشهار - إعلانات الدعاية | مساندة - إشتراكات الدعم آخر تحديث : 20/02/2017 |